кαуıρ gєcє

Record Contract History

This page gives you a complete record of all the Record Contracts this artist has signed over the years.

Popmundo RC 611860

Studio: Arrow Records ~Rio~ (Rio de Janeiro)
Company: ZANAR
Royalty: 80% of all record sales.
Discount: 100% on recordings in company studios.
Time: 10/17/2015 to 8/19/2017
State: Expired

Popmundo RC 591090

Studio: Charon Records |SAR| (Sarajevo)
Company: Charon |Records|
Royalty: 65% of all record sales.
Discount: 100% on recordings in company studios.
Time: 1/8/2015 to 11/10/2016
State: Broken by Ülkü Onat

Popmundo RC 529762

Studio: Charon Records |SAR| (Sarajevo)
Company: Charon |Records|
Royalty: 60% of all record sales.
Discount: 100% on recordings in company studios.
Time: 12/3/2012 to 12/31/2014
State: Expired

Popmundo RC 418588

Studio: SPANK ME Electronic |GLA| (Glasgow)
Company: Charon |LON|
Royalty: 55% of all record sales.
Discount: 100% on recordings in company studios.
Time: 9/25/2010 to 12/31/2012
State: Expired

Popmundo RC 415688

Studio: Weslan Records (Sthlm) (Stockholm)
Company: Weslan inc
Royalty: 63% of all record sales.
Discount: 100% on recordings in company studios.
Time: 9/13/2010 to 12/31/2012
State: Broken by Büşra Özkanlı

Popmundo RC 173871

Studio: Weslan Records (Sthlm) (Stockholm)
Company: Weslan inc
Royalty: 63% of all record sales.
Discount: 100% on recordings in company studios.
Time: 3/8/2008 to 12/31/2010
State: Expired