lullaby for a cat

it's the end of the world

it's the end of the world is a Music Video by lullaby for a cat.

Status: Released
Studio: Drink Me
Producer: T. Hepburn
Production Cost: 10,000.00 M$
Release Date: 1/18/2025

Video Shoot Details

Scene Name: it's the end of the world
Scene Status: Finished
Soundtrack: it's the end of the world
Type of Scene: Song & Dance Number
Location: Farkasréti temető, Budapest
Filming: 1/17/2025, 6:00 PM
Role Cast & Crew Performance
Actor Felina 40
Actor Sphynx 40
Actor Maine Coon 40
Director Maine Coon 50
Actor Russian Blue 40
Actor Ragamuffin 40
Current Chart Placements Position
South Africa 22 (31)
Bosnia and Herzegovinia 33 (19)
Russia 55 (27)
Brazil 66 (-)
Turkey 77 (-)
Croatia 1616 (-)
Azerbaijan 1616 (-)
United Kingdom 2020 (38)
Bulgaria 2020 (-)
China 2121 (-)
Poland 2222 (-)
Romania 2323 (-)
Norway 2525 (-)
Italy 2828 (30)
Finland 2828 (-)
United States 3232 (-)
Canada 3434 (-)
Lithuania 3535 (-)
Ukraine 3535 (37)