Spontaneously Fanciful

Yok artık şarkı da mı yazmayalım

This is a New Flamenco track recorded by the artist Spontaneously Fanciful. The song Yok artık şarkı da mı yazmayalım was originally composed by B. Sun.

Production: perfect
Performance: perfect
Studio: Aguccim Records HIP HOP
Date Recorded: 7/9/2020
Track Rating: 50
Record Releases: Ad mı, yine mi?

What the fans think of this song right now

Stage Impression: 20

Track Credits

Featuring A. Dark 50
Featuring L. Law 50
Artist Member V. Ashley 50
Artist Member O. Hollingsworth 50
Artist Member B. Molina Camacho 50
Artist Member N. Özer 50
Producer B. Sun 50