Clavis Aurea

Broken Happily Ever Afters

This is a Grindcore track recorded by the artist Clavis Aurea. The song Broken Happily Ever Afters was originally composed by Z. Savage.

Production: perfect
Performance: perfect
Studio: BL4CK R3CORD
Date Recorded: 5/9/2022
Track Rating: 50
Record Releases: Cherry Pies and Moonlit Skies
Beautiful & Broken
Radio Royalties: 308.70 M$

What the fans think of this song right now

Stage Impression: 30

Track Credits

Featuring T. Le Fay 50
Featuring S. Phoenix 50
Artist Member E. Frost 50
Artist Member Z. Frost 50
Artist Member Z. Savage 50
Producer Z. Savage 50
# Radio Royalties Amount Radio Chart Position
1 Brazil 49.20 M$ 0
2 Canada 47.50 M$ 0
3 Azerbaijan 47.50 M$ 0
4 Japan 47.30 M$ 0
5 Portugal 24.20 M$ 0
6 Australia 23.40 M$ 0
7 Spain 23.20 M$ 0
8 Singapore 23.20 M$ 0
9 France 23.20 M$ 0