About Face T&A Clinic
The plastic surgeon is always ready to "improve" your looks. Just keep in mind that the effects of cosmetic surgery wears off with time and tend to leave things worse than they were at first.
Note from the Management
Liposuction Liposuction is a painful and expensive way of removing unwanted fat from certain places of your body. Cheaper and less painful ways are dieting and exercise.
Botox injections Botox injections is actually a non-surgical operation that temporarily reduces or eliminates frown lines and wrinkles. The toxin blocks the nerve impulses that cause wrinkles and gives the skin a smoother appearance.
Breast implants Breast implants are for women who fancy the Baywatch style or men who want to look like body builders. An implant is placed in your breast to make them look bigger. Breast implants do NOT last a lifetime.
Face lift The best candidate for a facelift is a man or woman whose face and neck have begun to sag. Usually the patients are in their forties to sixties.