Whenever you're far away from home a hotel is where you hang your hat. In many cases a hotel works just as a home, but it costs a lot more to hang out here.
1. ACCESS GRANTED: You are not alone in the system. 2. LOADING COMPLETE: Your shadow has been replaced. 3. PROCESS INTERRUPTED: It’s watching you now. 4. SERVER BREACHED: The voices are waiting for your reply. 5. ERROR 13: Your reflection has moved on its own. 6. DECRYPTION SUCCESSFUL: They know where you are. 7. UPLOADING: Your heartbeat is now shared. 8. FILE FOUND: Your future is screaming. 9. UNAUTHORIZED ENTRY: Something has entered from inside. 10. FATAL ERROR: The countdown has already started. 11. CONNECTION ESTABLISHED: The whispers have begun. 12. MEMORY CORRUPTED: You forgot what you’ve never seen. 13. TING