suicide bunny

suicide bunny

suicide bunny is one of the Celebrities of the music industry. Pursuing stardom since 6/4/2024 the artist is currently ranked as the #138 R&B act. The artist is considered to be from Los Angeles. This artist accepts invitations.

Latest Shows

9/7/2024 Vilnius Failed Details »
9/6/2024 Tallinn Failed Details »
9/5/2024 Helsinki Failed Details »

Artist Buzz

Live performances include a above average show at Gray Clouds R&B |PAR| in Paris which is rated as their best recent show.

The most recent music video by suicide bunny is that awful sound, released on 7/14/2024.

suicide bunny released the pleasant single that awful sound on 7/13/2024.

Message to the Fans


C. Entwistle
Band Leader
Turntable Artist
Member since 6/4/2024