This is the guestbook of Wild Heaven.
sesti!!! aho ma ndo volete arriva'????
complimenti :)))))
Elveziuccio, alla vetta ovviamente!!!XD
Let's see if I can tempt you...My record studios are looking for talent to put under contract. I see you've already one, but I'm sure I can offer more. If you wanna a fresh new contract, with some studios throughout world and full support, Juan Delgado can offer you good rates. This contract includes, free tatto and Plastic Surgery, In Belgrade. Also, Discount: 100% on recordings in studios owned by us. Pm me if interested, sorry otherwise for bother.
Ma complimenti, vendite stratosferiche.....siete grandi bacioni da Elvezio
mercoledi' non faccio in tempo ad ordinare le copie......lo facciamo uscire tra una settimana
Complimenti per il party ragazzi!!! E per l'album stellare!! Speriamo in tantissime vendite! ;)