This is the guestbook of 梵幻·荆棘罂粟.
= =原来是2人转...难怪这么强力,以后你们比我们强...
just to inform you that there is a new club in berlin.
If you'd like an invite please send me a pm.
my regards,
i'll use the classical thread to annonce competitions.
Rome and La Bohème are waiting your band for a nice show someday!
La Bohème is a new Classical Club in Rome with best service for you!
♫♪♪ ♫♫♫ ♪♫♪ ♫♪ Stay with Classical Music! ♪♪♫ ♪♪♫ ♪♫♪ ♪♪♫
Best wishes and good luck!
Your CEO
Elia Penzo
Hello. :) I‘m Bonifácio and I‘m organizer of Classical genre bands tour „Classical Sounds“. I would like to invite you to this tour. Information is here: 1281430.1 Thank you! :)
Hello classical!
I am here to offer you a contract with [localeid2412389= name= Classic Records]. We offer you 70% royalists, 100% discount in our studios and one or even two clips per single. Plus, you’ll get 5 in marketing levels.
I will release the right number of copies in the time to make it sell the most. You are free to PM me if you have any concern, doubt or complaint.
Interested? PM
Thanks for your time,
Anne Dacombe