This is the guestbook of Fool Bus!.
Olá, Sou a nova dona da gravadora onde vcs possuem contrato. Já estou providenciando o lançamento do disco de vcs! Sugiro que falem com a imprensa do Rio por esses dias até que a fama de vcs suba para medonho (4), para venda dos discos, senão ficarão com as cópias paradas e sem lucro para todos nós. Boa sorte e abraços. Grata, Edite Barreiros.
The tour start on December the 6th in New York and go on until the 29th of January.
Do you don't have anything to do these days? come along and enjoy the Hip Hop life when its the very best.
It's an opportunity to tour with some of the best and in the same time share some company when you are out on the road.
If you want to join, post in the forum ID: 1733947.1 or PM me Víctor and you will be added.
Thanks for playng in Jaleo!!