This is the guestbook of türrkiye!!!!!!!!.
Gracias por realizar su concierto Timmy! Rock [Barcelona].
Estamos encantados de ver sus resultados en nuestro lugar de nuevo, hasta pronto.
Mejores Deseos,
Alberto Llorca Albero
hanks for performing at Timmy! Rock [Barcelona].
We glad to watch your performance at our place again, soon.
Best Wishes,
Alberto Llorca Albero
Thank you for play in My Club
Paradise Barcelona
Paradise London
Paradise Ankara
Paradise Belgrado
Paradise Sarajevo
Good Luck in your carreer & I hope You'll come again
You are always welcome & Remember our Club are your Home
For all questions me Balsatar Amor
I wish you a nice live in PopWorld
PepperClub Rock the new club in Madrid!!!
Pick your show here. We pay your tour riders and adjust the ticket prices for your band.
Lets play and dont worry, be happy!!!
If you need something talk Mariana Bouleau.