This is the guestbook of GondolRadar.
Thanks for playing at the Left Lounge
Berlin and Somepink in Berlin [MR] are waiting them for a nice show!
♫♪♪ ♫♫♫ ♪♫♪ ♫♪ Stay with Music!♪ ♪♪♫ ♪♪♫ ♪♫♪ ♪♪♫
Lots of Love
Tansu Oransayoglu - Somepink in Berlin [MR]
Thanks for such a great concert in El Gato Negro. It's been a pleasure to have you here. I wish you lots of success and I hope to see you back soon.
Amata Montes - CEO El Gato Negro BsAs
Thanks for coming and playing at Somepink in Berlin [MR] and you are always welcome GondolRadar!
Good luck with your gigs!
Tansu Oransayoğlu
Revolutionary S&S MR Tromsø thanks you for a great show!!
Don't be a stranger!!
【ツ】J.Baselmans - CEO【ツ】
Thank yoooooooooooooooooou!!!
you're great! You know that!!! =))))
Take a look at my blog and tell me if you want an invitation to our competition in Rio.
The competition will take place beetwen 24-03 and 31-03.
The club is revolutionary.
Thanks for your time,
The Hole - Stockholm organizes a competition between the 2nd of July and the 8th, and it will be great to see your band on stage. Pm me it you're interessed.
Good luck,
The new competence for August at [localeid=708480 name=Alive or Dead [MR Madrid]] it’s just open. Choose your favourite date from 2008-08-10 at 12:00 to 2008-08-15 at 22:00.
We wish you the best of luck with your career, and we hope to see you soon here!
Best Regards,
Luis María Bonilla, CEO-Alive or Dead [MR-Madrid]