Ars longa, vita brevis
This is the guestbook of Ars longa, vita brevis.
Thank you for playing at LluNatics PoP-Club.
We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did, and that you will be back soon!
Good Luck!
Vero. ;)
Bütün müzik türlerinin bulunacağı yarışmaya sizleride bekliyorum.
Yarışma : [competitionid=74533 name=İstanbul Müzik Topluluğu... ]
Tarih aralığı : 24.10.2010 12:00--->30.10.2010 22:00
Katılım ücteti :500TL
Sanatçı payı :%60
Mekan :GreatPop(İst) :
Bilgi :[charid=2279389 name=Ahmet Özer ]
İyi Oyunlar.....
Thank you for playing Hamlin POP Singapore.
We hope to see you again in the future.
Kind Regards
Alycia Hamlin - CEO/Owner.
Open competition Happy Pills - Último Véu Azul |POP|
2012-06-23 12:00--->2012-06-30 12:00
Please, you're welcome to enter and reserve the day and time that suits you the best. For special ticket prices or rider, or for any questions, please feel free to contact me. I'll be glad to help you.
Kia Landini
CEO. Último Véu Azul [POP] Paris
Pop Pop Blow Blow Bubble Gum Compatetions In Sally's

Winning Criteria: Highest Scoring Showmanship
Arranged By: Ibolya Harkai
Prize Distribution: Winner Takes it All
Entry Cost: 500,00 €
Size: Max 50 contestants.
Venue: Any venue owned by Sally Cinnamon Clubs.
Time: 10/12/2013, 00:00 to 17/12/2013, 00:00 (Seattle time)
Genre: POP
Thank you for playing The Pulse > London.
Hope we can welcome you back soon.
Kind regards,