This is the guestbook of HoLiGaNLaR.
Thanks for playing at: [localeid=82070 name=Studebaker [Amsterdam]]
We hope to see you again, soon.
Come back when ever you want and try out my other clubs in europe.
Greetz and good luck:
Roy Studebaker
Studebaker Europe
Thanks for booking at: [localeid=742620 name=Studebaker [Tromsø]]
We're sorry about your failed concert, but try it once more and it'll be better again. :)
Come back when ever you want and try out our other clubs of Studebaker Europe.
Greetz and good luck:
Roy Studebaker
Studebaker Europe
Thanks for playing at: [localeid=2208706 name=Studebaker [Milan]]
We hope to see you again, soon.
Come back when ever you want and try out my other clubs in europe.
Greetz and good luck:
Roy Studebaker
Studebaker Europe
Gracias por habernos visitado. Para nosotros y nuestros clientes es un gusto haber contado con tu presencia. No dudes en volver por acá. Gustosamente te recibiremos con los brazos abiertos.
Thank you for visiting. For us and our clients is a pleasure to have your presence. Do not hesitate to return here. We gladly welcome you with open arms.
Atte. Pilar Cabanilla
CEO ♫ All Music [BA] ♫
Thanks for booking at: [localeid=53014 name=Studebaker [Berlin]]
We're sorry about your failed concert but try it once more and the next will be better again.
Come back when ever you want and try out my other clubs in europe.
Greetz and good luck:
Roy Studebaker
Studebaker Europe