Debão Ramone Sparrow
This is the guestbook of Debão Ramone Sparrow.
Thanks Nashiville!
The gig was great ....
Next let's break everything!
Thanks Toronto
the show was very weak but the next time you look forward to the next!!
Viva Toronto!
Valeu Seattle o show contou apenas com aqules que são realmente fãs do melhor Rock....
Mas a todos que vieram fico estupidamente agradecida....
Aguardo Voces em L.A
Ate a Proxima...
Beijos e Rock N Roll...
Seattle won the show had only these annoying they really are fans of the best Rock ....
But everyone who came I stupidly grateful ....
I look you in L.A
Until the Next ...
Kisses and Rock N Roll ...