This is the guestbook of The Vicious Ones.
Thanks for playing at: [localeid=1235061 name=Studebaker [Glasgow]]
It was a pleasure to have you here on our stage.
Come back when ever you want and try out our other clubs of Studebaker's.
Regards and good luck:
Roy Studebaker
Studebaker Europe
Thanks for playing at: [localeid=997120 name=Studebaker [Ankara]]
It was a pleasure to have you here on our stage.
Come back when ever you want and try out our other clubs of Studebaker's.
Regards and good luck:
Roy Studebaker
Studebaker Europe
Wish all the luck for your career. If you want a good contract for your band please send me a PM. I´ll be happy in helping you...
Manuel Lopes