This is the guestbook of Missing Her.
Thanks Lu, Phil, and *chuckles* Damien you're awesome! Hopefully I can keep climbing the charts. :)
BellĂsima!!! ♥ -hey, I have a present for you!
--Yes, that's what you are ;)
M. Ly at 12/11/2010, 4:00 AM
Only 4 more days and I'll annoy you endlessly! ^_^
Great show. Me and Wendell were that excited you now have our underwear. Flashing your nipple Mrs Potts as well. The boys all loved it. Well done girl. xxx
Why am I not featuring in So Many Boobies? *raises brow*
I finished my song Panty War. It turned out mind melting.
Awesome Rach! <3 I think I'll start one called Tea, Potts, and Rawr Sugar. Hehe!
Any chance you girls can make it to Bucharest on the 25th to record the song?
Hey There MisChievious Girls :)
I am trying my level best to host U in all my Clubs but U chikas seem too much in demand ;)
Anyway good Luck!