This is the guestbook of Space Cakes.
el 210 pixa q calida
hey putita putita!!! vendo zurrapa! vendo cocacola,awa fanta naranja fanta limon, weeeeeee, bitch! jajajaja maburria pixas!
xcierto solo digo q las xicas adolescentes y alos hombres les poneis caxond@s! jajajaja
na ma os visito yo q caraho?? sois unas warrillas e!!! paaaaaa! qwertyuiopasdfghjklñzxcvbnm es el codigo ;) vemo
The Hole - Stockholm organizes a competition between the 2nd of July and the 8th, and it will be great to see your band on stage. Pm me it you're interessed.
Good luck,