This is the guestbook of Ninnin Nännit.
Keepers of Metal World Tour VI - Invitation
Hi Please take a look in next FORUM ID to you have all informations about the KoM Tour VI and make your registration to the TOUR if you wanna:
I hope you will join to the TOUR!
I´m always @ your disposal.
(Keepers of Metal Clubs Owner)
Las reservas para el SIT VIII - Hail to Metal! están abiertas, las bandas que deseen conservar su ubicación en el calendario, tienen una semana para confirmar su participación
The bookings for the
SIT VIII - Hail to Metal! are now open, those bands willing to keep their slots in the calendar, have one week to confirm their participacion.
World Domination Tour XVII 2082979.1
New World Domination Tour XX has started. If there is any change about the time, date or your participation, please make an information on the topic. 2126271.1