This is the guestbook of Once Upon a Metal.
Congrats with your new band, honey! I'm sure you will do great!
Thanks for all your support, sweetheart :)
Thanks for booking at SOTS-clubs. If you're interested in a special deal with my small chain, let me know. Happy touring!
Keep those invites coming, Elaine ;) Thanks!
Keepers of Metal World Tour VI - Invitation
Hi Please take a look in next FORUM ID to you have all informations about the KoM Tour VI and make your registration to the TOUR if you wanna:
I hope you will join to the TOUR!
I´m always @ your disposal.
(Keepers of Metal Clubs Owner)
Keepers of Metal World Tour VII - Invitation
Hi Please take a look in next FORUM ID to you have all informations about the KoM Tour VII and make your registration to the TOUR if you wanna:
I hope you will join to the TOUR!
I´m always @ your disposal.
(Keepers of Metal Clubs Owner)
INFORMAÇÃO: A vossa banda foi adicionada ao RANKING de Portugal no FORUM DO PORTO na 1844031.30
Abilio Carvoeiro
Kepers Of Metal Clubs Club IMPORTANT COMMUNICATION about Stockholm Club
Please see the FORUM 2011565.1 to read all communication about what happen @ the Keepers of Metal Club Stockholm.[/b]
I´m @ your disposal for any clarification you could need.
Tks for your time to read the COMMUNICATION.
Abilio Carvoeiro
(Keepers of Metal Clubs Owner)
Estimado(a) Tuga, temos o prazer de convidá-lo(a) a participar na 6ª Edição do Tour Tuga que decorrerá do dia 28/08/12 ao dia 24/10/12.
Para mais informações ver 2074100.1
Esperamos contar consigo, obrigado :)
Ver convite
(Passa a palavra a todos(as) os(as) tugas)
É com orgulho que eu (Abílio) e o Evans anunciamos uma nova TOUR, TOUR será no POPANO 72.
Por favor visitem no FORUM GERAL PORTUGUÊS o Tópico 2166070.1 onde encontrarão todos os detalhes desta TOUR e onde se poderão inscrever para participar.
Vamos todos juntos fazer desta TOUR a MAIOR TOUR de todos os tempos do POPMUNDO!!! INSCREVAM-SE!!!
Aguardamos as vossas inscrições.