This is the guestbook of GatoNegro.
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Butterflies and Roses, Madrid
Thanks for playing at my club.
You know it is always a pleasure to host you!
If you are interested in my opinion about your show, I am glad to answer any questions.
I am looking forward to see you again!
Check out Rockin' Hometown Club in Glasgow too!
Keep it rockin'!
Meu Clube
Oi, se puder ajudar um empresário iniciante (mas que está fazendo de tudo pra investir nos seus clubes), gostaria de te convidar pra tocar no Rio e em São Paulo em nosso local.
S.A.L.T. [RJ] Club
S.A.L.T. [SP] Rock Club
Caso seja do seu interesse, é só dizer a melhor data e mando os convites.
I'm Sorry, I thought you was a brasilian artist. I was inviting you to play in my 2 clubs (in Rio and São Paulo - Brazil). If you can, say to me the best days.
Convite Caverna do Rock,
Olá, venho por este comunicado fazer um convite a banda de vocês para que venham tocar no clube The Rockin' Gypsy.
Estou organizando a 1º edição do torneio mundial Caverna do Rock, a taxa de inscrição esta fixa em 1000 Euros, cujo premio será divido entre os três primeiros colocados.
Este torneio não será nada sem a sua banda.
Inicia 05/09/08 e termina 10/09/08.
- Abraços!
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Butterflies and Roses, Madrid
Thanks for playing at my club.
It is always a pleasure to host you!
I am looking forward to see you again!
Check out Rockin' Hometown Club in Glasgow too!
Keep it rockin'!
I am the owner of Dance Again in Rome. You can book your show here. It will be a pleasure to have you here.
Hi, I am the CEO of Rock Hercules in New York. Do you have a taste of playing in the club? We are happy to you. I hope your mp. Thank you!
I see your record studio owner is inactive. If you wanna a fresh new contract, with some studios throughout world and full support, I can offer you good rates. Pm me if interested, sorry otherwise for bother.
Thanks for playing at MIDPOINT ROCK AMSTERDAM!
We wait that the band comes back more times! You will be always welcome!