This is the guestbook of Familia Bantú.
If you're among the first 100 in the ranking of African music and want a recording contract, we can offer a discount of 100% and royalty of 70% or 75%
City: New York
Quality: unmatched
African Music: Supernatural
Condition: supernatural
1. Release an album every 112 days (= every 2 popoyears)
2. Albums should have 8 - 12 songs (the more the better)
3. Popularity of the song doesn't matter on
1. Release a single every 28 days
2. Songs with a popularity around 15% at release date will sell best
3. Release day is Tuesday
4. Inform me in time when you want to release a single or album as having records delivered takes at least 3 days
You should have at least DREADFUL (4/26) fame in 5 different cities before releasing a single or an album.
Sales records are on Wednesdays, We release records on Tuesday, please send records 4-5 days before, because we have to order.
African Revolution World Tour IV
All African artists are welcome to join. For more information, check message 2067147.1
You are welcome to join the African Revolution World Tour V
The tour is planned for year 65 and all African artists are welcome to participate. For more information on the tour schedule, please check message 2086356.1
African Revolution World Tour VI
If you would like to join the tour, please check message 2104436.1