This is the guestbook of Evelyne's Needle.
Thanks for being the 2nd band ever to play at Ellens Slammin Jam
Thanks for playing at the RAVE ON ® - Nashville.
Thanks for playing at TLL [Electronica] Québec in Montreal. We look forward to having you play here again.
Thanks for playing at "1982 Electronica" Porto! we expect you to come back, we will be the best club in town with shows like yours!
If you need to get in touch just send a message, anytime.
Gracias por tocar en "1982 ELECTRONICA" Oporto! con bandas como ustedes seremos el mejor club de la ciudad. Los esperamos de regreso! Si necesitan cualquier cosa solo manden un correo.
Thanks for a great show at Euphoria™ - Hel [ELEC]! Come back soon!
Tuomo Sergejeff, CEO of Euphoria™ - Hel [ELEC]
Thank you for showing at L-Ektro |
We will always be glad to welcome you at L-Ektro | clubs around the world.
Fredrik Bjärnsson, Shareholder of L-Ektro | Holding
Thanks for playing at Paris ELectro're great!!
See you next time!!!
JOrge Navas, owner Paris Electro Club