the amazing bubbles orchestra
This is the guestbook of the amazing bubbles orchestra.
My grandkid just turned 3.
Can I hire you guys? She's afraid of clowns and loves unicorns, so it's required that everyone goes dressed as unicorn and pastels only.
The paycheck is 20 lollipops.
Hi Elena,
This is the first job offer for our project, so we cannot let you down. Release the baby in the local park of our next show, and we will take care of her. She can ride one of the unicorns as well. And, don’t forget the bubbles!
Depois fala da minha banda u.u
qrida vc respeita minha história com a oveinha pq ela era um dos meus emojis do msn preferidos ok
Eu vou divar na festa se vc tirar uma selfie comigo!! 
Eu demorei pra lembrar o que é TBHC, aí lembrei e gostaria de não ter lembrado............
I love your style. It's ingenious.
Have my babies?