This is the guestbook of Narcoleptic.
thank you for playing FusionΦPunk [IST]
Thank you for performing in ~Ramones |PR|~NY
I hope I can see you playing at Ramones |PR|~NY again soon. :)
Please contact me about invitations, ticket prices, etc. :D
Have a good time in POPO
CEO's of |~Ramones |PR|~NY -- Sebo.
Thank you for performing in Wanha PUNK Paris
I hope I can see you playing at Wanha PUNK Paris again soon. :)
Please contact me about invitations, ticket prices, etc. :D
Have a good time in POPO
CEO's of |Wanha PUNK Paris -- Sabo.
I see chairman of your record studio is dead. If you wanna a fresh new contract, with some studios throughout world and full support, I can offer you good rates. Pm me if interested, sorry otherwise for bother.
I like the names of your songs there awesome :p.
Thanks for join Sincerity Punk Rock London, i hope returns soon...Chris
Pink Pank Punk MON Montreal.
We have a competition from November 24 until November 30, you ask the date you to want to Tía Madrazo.
We will order you the invitation.