This is the guestbook of Lord Of Lights.
Thank you playing your songs in Good.As.You Club Singapur [HM]! It was great to see you on our stage.
If you come Singapore again, I hope you would play again in our club!
Master of Good.As.You
Thx for play your song's at the TARTAROS -HM- [SIN]
and come back again, you are welcome.
Thank you very much for the concert to EMMA'S CLUB in Budapest
At your disposal for any request ^_^
Please contact me..... Daniel Capasso
We would like invite your band to participate in Metal Female Voices II - competition (eliminatory).
It will elapse:
Dates:12 until 16 April 2009
Hours:12 or 14 or 16.
Places: Toronto or Madrid.
Entrance: 500€
Rider: 2.500€.
Details in FORUM TOPIC ID: 1022941.1
Anything you need contact by PRIVATE MESSAGE to MFV Staff Abilio Carvoeiro or Marta Negro or in the Forum Topic
We wait your replay soon as possible.
Thank you for play in Morfeo Heavy Club, I'm very happy for this.Your concert was great. We enjoyed your music.
You're always welcome