This is the guestbook of Lived Eagger Live.
Join the Competition and strengthen our genre of Reggae. To receive invitation or questions, please contact me . Meet you there.
Competition: ♫ Oce@n's Reggae Competition ♫ I
Prizes Distribution: Best 3 divide 50%, 30%, 20%
Place: ♫ Oce@n's Cruz ♫ Clube (Kiev)
From 8/12 to 8/19
Costs: 500 US$
Thank you for playing at FREE Reggae in Warsaw!
Come back whenever you want, we'll always be pleased to have you here.
Best compliments,
Regina Polak, CEO
Be part of this: antalya II
2011-01-19 18:00--->2011-01-26 18:00
Hope to host you, greets Ferdi!
Hi there!
We're making up a competition. I'll leave you the info here. If you could join it would be awsome! Just PM me to arrange a date. Hope to see you there!
★ Dulcemente Envenenado VII BA★
World Competition
Prizes Distribution: Best 3 divide 50%, 30%, 20%
Place: The Dolls Of Reggae .B.A. (Ciudad Buenos Aires, Argentina.)
From -> to: 2011-03-25 12:00--->2011-04-01 12:00
Costs: 501 US$
First date's alredy full!
Last gig still available!
Be part of one of our legendary contests: IV.
2011-04-27 12:00--->2011-05-04 12:00 V.
2011-05-06 20:00--->2011-05-13 20:00
Greetings from Ferdi