This is the guestbook of ~ Los SueñoS ~.
Dearest Artist,
in name of the Flamenco Chain Fiesta, I'd like to thank you for preferring us and playing here.
It's a great pleasure to be able to serve and help so many amazing bands!
I'd also like to inform you that Fiesta Clubs has expanded and now has two clubs in every city (Fiesta & Fiesta II), and as usual, all flamenco bands are welcome to play there, and riders are free of charge!
For any requests, don't hesitate in contacting me.
My best wishes,
Big congratz! It was expected :)
Hey congratulations... patient and hard work... come sucessful!!!
Ps: As a member of current WiW #2 artist, I hate you. : p
Pero bueno! Uno se queda dormido unos pocos años y al despertarse os veo en el WiW desbancando a todo el mundo? Muchas felicidades y también por llevar al flamenco tan alto! (bastante más alto de lo que llegamos nosotros xDDD)
Muchas gracias!! Había que dejar el listón muy alto y creo que lo estamos consiguiendo ;)
Dev -Alliance: Arenas
» Ticket prices, sales and rider will be monitored daily.
» We offer different percentages for TOP artists.

Orgira 99, ya tienes la invitación, solo falta que te apuntes