Argentinian In Flames
This is the guestbook of Argentinian In Flames.
Thanks for playing in @Purple Haze@ in Amsterdam!
We'd love to have you back soon, you're always welcome !! :)
Myrthe Alferink, CEO
You are invited to the Competition of Heavy Metal in Toronto, Alive or Died (17-07-20-07), if it interests to you to accept the invitation and to say to me to what price you want tickets. If you do not want to attend they reject. Thank you very much by your participation, and luck. A greeting.
Aguante Argentina carajo!
Alive or Died II. La mejor competición, en el mejor local heavy metal de Toronto. No la pierdas! Un saludo.
Flaming hell! What a show!
I hope you'll come here at the G Spot again soon ;)