This is the guestbook of Sweet Emotion.
Thank you for playing at [localeid=43121 name=HM Law [BER] ]
I am available for riders, ticket price, ticket limit or any other question.
Abigail Mannerheim
OFICIAL FLAYER for Kεερεrs of Mεtal Tour V
You already can have access to the OFICCIAL FLYER to the Kεερεrs of Mεtal WORLD Tour V, the link it´s below:
Animated Flyer: 
I hope you like it and you will use it on your´s band page!
I´m always at disposal of everyone.
(Kεερεrs of Mεtal™ Clubs Owner)
Keepers of Metal WT V
The KoM WT V will start within a few days,I and all staff of the KoM want to wish to all the participating bands on tour,lucky and we hope it will be a really AMAZING TOUR!
Something you need not hesitate to contact us.
I take this opportunity to remember you the registration for the KoM WT VI are open (1956222.1) i hope you will join this tour too, invites for the TOUR VI will begin be sent in a few days.
(KoM Clubs