This is the guestbook of Dark Nightmare.
Mucha suerte en vuestra carrera al estrellato!!! Y un beso especial para la voz principal :-****
Thank you for a thrilling performance at Sassy's!
We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did, and that you will be back soon!
/Stephen Scott, Sassy's
Thanks for playing at Hush!
Thanks for playing at The RockSpot. We really enjoyed your concert and we hope to see you again real soon. IF there is anything we can do for you please feel free to contact me anytime.
Owner of The RockSpot Clubs
The Hole - Stockholm organizes a competition between the 2nd of July and the 8th, and it will be great to see your band on stage. Pm me it you're interessed.
Good luck,
Thanks for playing in the Naked Divinity [MR] London. Hope to see you again.
I´m organizing a competition at Barcelona between the days 06/11 to 13/11.
Schizophrenic club will be very pleased if we could count with you. If you are interested just tell me the day an hour that is better for you.
Best Regards
Thank you for playing in Modern Rock Hell in New York. . We would like to
see you here again =)