Curt Wild tribute band

Music Videos

Nothing promotes a song like a Music Video. Music videos which make it to the charts receive an additional boost to song popularity for as long as they remain on the charts.

Work in Progress Status
Hy...hy...hy Rejected
Music Video Release Review
PF 58946 9/22/2009 10
For All You Musicians 58037 8/15/2009 20
NHL is my life-blood 57114 7/7/2009 20
Big Bills 56959 7/1/2009 20
No Need to be Intreceliectuall 56950 6/30/2009 20
What the ... 56108 5/26/2009 20
Is there...? 56032 5/23/2009 20
Ammmm soooo slooow 55518 5/2/2009 20
Kack and Gone 55518 5/2/2009 20
Simple Song 54932 4/7/2009 20
Shit 54932 4/7/2009 20
I've got a fever 54328 3/13/2009 20
It Never Stops 54199 3/8/2009 20
Back in Bogota 53681 2/14/2009 30
This might be my swan song 51476 11/14/2008 20
Laid back r'n'r life 50873 10/20/2008 30
How far is it to Heaven 50322 9/27/2008 10
Click of happiness 49510 8/24/2008 30
Willi's Bar 48927 7/31/2008 20
goes bonkers 48855 7/28/2008 30
In the bus, on my way home 48285 7/4/2008 20
Live for nothing or die for something 48212 7/1/2008 30
Fingerspitzengefühl 47543 6/3/2008 20
Gospel of Russ 47543 6/3/2008 20
The Flyer 47181 5/19/2008 30
Soldier Švejk 46192 4/8/2008 30
Thirsty Traveller 45485 3/10/2008 30
Pint Killer 44895 2/14/2008 30
Jingle Balls 44080 1/11/2008 30
Black, Blue and Bondaged 43527 12/19/2007 30
Song for Russ, I love myself oh so much 43106 12/2/2007 20
Jag har väckarklockan i röven 42529 11/8/2007 30
Istanbul Dreams 42343 10/31/2007 20
Los Desperados 41345 9/19/2007 30
Scheisse Scheisse Scheisse 40825 8/29/2007 30
No one knows I am Pompas 40145 7/31/2007 20
Regarding latest news of Mr. Trahan 39522 7/5/2007 20
New Cave For the Lonely Loca Latina 38824 6/6/2007 20