Good Old Days

Music Videos

Nothing promotes a song like a Music Video. Music videos which make it to the charts receive an additional boost to song popularity for as long as they remain on the charts.

Work in Progress Status
The Bearhug 9 Rejected
Music Video Release Review
Mama 11 130473 11/19/2017 40
Mama 4 129195 9/27/2017 50
333 128471 8/27/2017 40
Yedin beni Joker! 127823 7/31/2017 40
Hit misin nesin? 126471 6/5/2017 50
Mysterio 125805 5/8/2017 50
Alayım mı Seni Gece Düşelim Barlara 125124 4/10/2017 40
Harle'y' 'LiM'shake (-m / -milk) 124482 3/14/2017 50
Starchild! 123776 2/13/2017 50
latinzel hit 123092 1/15/2017 50
hitixii 122445 12/19/2016 40
babalar gibi hit 121774 11/21/2016 40
hit 3 121078 10/23/2016 50
hitoroz 120450 9/27/2016 40
Lütfeeennnn :/// 119601 8/23/2016 50
hitsell 118940 7/26/2016 40
latino zino 118220 6/26/2016 50
latin namik 117568 5/30/2016 50
latte 116877 5/1/2016 50
latin kolay bal 2 116246 4/5/2016 50
latin ada iki 115544 3/7/2016 50
halatinoa 114909 2/9/2016 50
Müptezel Gavat 114232 1/12/2016 50
halatin3 113586 12/16/2015 40
halatin 112893 11/17/2015 50
xyz 112306 10/24/2015 40
latin ada ilk 111520 9/21/2015 50
ASfasfgh 110871 8/25/2015 40
Capoeira 15 110278 7/31/2015 40
Azra'm Keseratar 108852 6/2/2015 50
felis anüs 108017 4/28/2015 50
Etik Gavat 107337 3/31/2015 50
hrehergreg 106504 2/24/2015 50
bebeee 105838 1/27/2015 50
carpediem 51 105161 12/30/2014 40
wwwadsf 104493 12/2/2014 40
anana 103809 11/4/2014 40
vantilatör kayışıyla dövdüm nazlı yarimi 103138 10/7/2014 50
İncredible Gavat 102466 9/9/2014 50
spektrofotometre 101749 8/10/2014 40