Koviss Timo


Releasing top selling records is an excellent way to climb high up in the artist rankings. In order to release a record you first have to record a couple of tracks and get a decent record contract with a record studio. You can work on two records at a time. Good luck!

Full Length Albums Release Review
Krapulas kattoo 8550010/2/2012 30
Runescape 735755/24/2011 20
Timo Plays Hurriganes 6842010/21/2010 10
Singles Release Review
Single #1 1002726/10/2014 40
KTM 996085/13/2014 40
Bimmer part 2 921557/6/2013 30
Bimmer 896163/23/2013 40
Himos 2013 888422/18/2013 30
Pulkkisen Kakka Laari 8735212/18/2012 30
Stögis 8651211/13/2012 30
Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites 802842/28/2012 30
Skrillex 7879012/27/2011 30
Jimin kypärät 7759511/8/2011 20
Rapala 757498/23/2011 20
Fightbook 6942512/2/2010 20