Release Parties
Make sure no one misses your new record by throwing a release party for it! If you can't afford the expensive marketing stunts on offer you should at least go for the more economic guerilla marketing options. You don't want to miss out on this opportunity to gain some extra media exposure, and song popularity, to boost your career!
Scheduling a release party is an alternative to manually releasing a record in the last minute at the click of a button. You can't do both. You can start preparing a release party on this page as soon as you've submitted your new record for release. Please remember that the date of a newly booked release party must be three days into the future!
Upcoming release parties
None found.
Previous release parties
只有你自己知道,你和从前,判若两人 |
你所看到的绿色是治愈人心 |
1758661/23/2023, 6:00 PM |
所谓的迷茫 不过是清醒地看着自己沉沦 |
博大可以稀释忧愁 . 深色能够覆盖浅色 |
1730309/27/2022, 2:00 PM |
春华难得,夏叶难得,秋实难得,冬雪难得,生命中的每一天都很难得 |
New Soul |
1597323/22/2021, 12:00 PM |
世上的事,认真不对,不认真更不对,执着不对,一切视作空也不对,平平常常,自自然然 |
New Soul |
15770212/27/2020, 10:00 PM |
此身无所寄,心中常不平。一梦随水远,漫向江湖行。 |
New Soul |
1543348/9/2020, 2:00 PM |
人间至味是你 |
New Soul |
1519955/4/2020, 3:00 AM |
年少初遇常在我心 多年不减你深情 江山如画又怎能比拟 你送我的风景 柳下闻瑶琴起舞和一曲 仿佛映当年翩若惊鸿影 谁三言两语撩拨了情意 |
New Soul |
14881512/23/2019, 3:00 PM |
那天我们最后一次互道晚安,没有前兆,没有后续,如往常般平淡。 随后辗转,难眠难安。 |
New Soul |
14812011/24/2019, 4:00 PM |
世事一场大梦,人生几度秋凉 |
New Soul |
1465579/20/2019, 1:00 PM |
所知所觉 |
New Soul |
1432405/5/2019, 8:00 AM |
一念放下,万般自在 |
New Soul |
1420913/18/2019, 11:00 AM |
我越过十二万公里,越过昼夜与星辰,越过硝烟与战火,你在哪里,我就去哪里 |
New Soul |
1414222/18/2019, 2:00 PM |
高冷如你总终结所有话题 |
Empty |
14005412/23/2018, 2:00 PM |
叶神 |
Autumn leaves |
13921211/18/2018, 12:00 PM |
倾杯·离宴殷勤 |
Distance |
13854110/21/2018, 1:00 PM |
泪雨梨花 |
Pear tree |
1377029/16/2018, 2:00 PM |
魂兽,武魂 |
Cut To The Feeling |
1362217/16/2018, 9:00 PM |
石梁茅屋有弯碕,流水溅溅度两陂。 晴日暖风生麦气,绿阴幽草胜花时。 |
1335283/26/2018, 4:00 PM |
春来对酒,折尽风前柳。 若问看花情绪,似当日、怎能够。 |
And then what ? |
1332193/13/2018, 7:00 PM |
时间的记忆 |
1320441/23/2018, 8:00 PM |
在这个世界,什么才是正常 |
West Lake |
13067311/27/2017, 5:00 PM |
醉卧沙场君莫笑 |
13035811/14/2017, 2:00 PM |
科比节 |
Scheming |
12997410/29/2017, 2:00 PM |
起点~ |
Simple Love |
1285028/29/2017, 6:00 AM |
最近~不近 |
Butterfly fly away |
1276717/25/2017, 3:00 PM |
醉卧沙场君莫笑 |
Evil Annihilation |
1270036/27/2017, 7:00 PM |
shallow Light |
Shallow Light |
1263315/30/2017, 7:00 PM |
山中何事? |
Imitation |
1256545/2/2017, 2:00 PM |
山中何事? |
Been a Long Day |
1249534/3/2017, 9:00 AM |
山中何事? |
no need for introductions |
1242633/5/2017, 3:00 PM |
New Soul |
New Soul |
1236312/7/2017, 7:00 AM |
No longer home |
No longer home |
1160783/29/2016, 2:00 PM |
For Paul and Serena |
In memory of Paul and Serena |
1076834/14/2015, 7:00 PM |
You haunt me |
You haunt me |
1070063/17/2015, 2:00 PM |
Single release |
Lillian |
1063452/18/2015, 1:00 AM |