
Artist Repertoire

Songs played on stage by an artist have to be in their artist repertoire. You can add your own songs, or other people's songs, into your repertoire at any time. Playing songs written by people who aren't with the band are considered covers and won't score as high as your own material of similar quality. Songs which haven't been revealed to the public yet are listed on this page as New Songs.

You can select what information to display about your repertoire by changing the drop down lists in the repertoire view. For VIP members, your selection remains throughout the current session.

# Song Popularity Genre
1 A Brief History 390 Indie Folk
2 A Bubbling Brain 500 New Psychadelia
3 A Few Words 500 Art Rock
4 A Foggy Dream 500 New Psychadelia
5 A New Twist 500 Power Pop
6 Abel 500 Chamber Pop
7 Absorb Your Anger 500 Indie Folk
8 Adulation 500 Shoegazing
9 Albatross 500 Art Rock
10 alchemist 500 Post Rock
11 All My Life 500 Chamber Pop
12 All Of My Friends 500 Alternative
13 Alone Again 500 Experimental Rock
14 Alone At A Microphone 500 Indie Garage
15 Another Weekend 500 Chamber Pop
16 Apathetic 500 Shoegazing
17 Aquarium Drinker 500 Experimental Rock
18 Are You The One? 500 Indie Folk
19 Azarov mine 500 Post Rock
20 Baby Bye Bye 500 Indie Folk
21 Baby Pink 500 Noise Rock
22 Back To The Middle 500 Indie Folk
23 Balanced Semblance of Sense 500 Indie Garage
24 Barflies 315 LoFi
25 Beating Iris 500 Indie Folk
26 Been So Low 500 Experimental Rock
27 Bees 500 Art Rock
28 Big Bang 355 Noise Rock
29 Big Ben Pig Pen 500 Experimental Rock
30 Bird Chorus 250 Experimental Rock
31 Bird of Fire 500 New Psychadelia
32 Bird Song 500 Indie Folk
33 Blood Red Roots 500 Indie Folk
34 Bloodflow 500 Chamber Pop
35 BoneFish 500 Experimental Rock
36 Brain Can't Contain 500 Chamber Pop
37 Brightest Minds 500 Chamber Pop
38 Broken Heart 500 New Psychadelia
39 Bubbles 500 Art Rock
40 Build It 335 Chamber Pop
41 Call out Our Names 375 Alternative
42 Calming Balm 500 New Psychadelia
43 Cantata 500 Chamber Pop
44 Change + Action 500 Alternative
45 Chill 500 New Psychadelia
46 Chip On The Shoulder 735 Indie Folk
47 Christ Almighty Alrighty 500 New Psychadelia
48 Chugging Along 500 Indie Garage
49 Circle The Drain 440 Chamber Pop
50 Coin master 500 Alternative
51 Cold Wind Blowing Around This Town 500 Indie Folk
52 Colours 500 New Psychadelia
53 Coma 485 Experimental Rock
54 Come Find Me 500 Chamber Pop
55 Common Sense 500 Experimental Rock
56 Consciousness 160 New Psychadelia
57 Cool 500 Indie Folk
58 Cool Breeze 500 Chamber Pop
59 Cool Water 500 Chamber Pop
60 Cooling Effect 500 New Psychadelia
61 Crackling/Food For Thought 500 Art Rock
62 Crossroads 400 Indie Folk
63 Cutie Pie 500 Post Punk
64 Dancing Bones 500 Indie Garage
65 Dancing Reflections 500 New Psychadelia
66 Deepest Pool 500 Indie Garage
67 Dirty Hands/Happy Heart 500 Chamber Pop
68 Disengaged 500 Power Pop
69 Distant Islands 500 New Psychadelia
70 Do We Wanna Know? 270 Indie Folk
71 Dogville 500 Indie Garage
72 Doubt 730 Goth Rock
73 Dreaming 500 New Psychadelia
74 Drifting Thoughts/Future Memories 500 New Psychadelia
75 Drinking Alone by Moonlight 295 Post Rock
76 Dukes 500 Chamber Pop
77 Er/Ah/Or 400 New Psychadelia
78 Everybody Wants To Love You 500 Power Pop
79 Exoskeleton 500 Indie Folk
80 Expanding Clouds 500 New Psychadelia
81 Eyes Adjust 500 New Psychadelia
82 Face Tomorrow 500 Art Rock
83 Fading 500 Chamber Pop
84 Fast Flames 500 Experimental Rock
85 Fear 500 Darkwave
86 Feathers 500 Indie Folk
87 Few Too Many 500 Indie Folk
88 Fighting My Way Back 170 Art Rock
89 Figure of Speech 500 Experimental Rock
90 Figures 500 Alternative
91 Fill It 500 Chamber Pop
92 Find Your Own Way 500 Indie Folk
93 Finding Our Voice 240 Chamber Pop
94 First Steps 230 LoFi
95 Flesh and Bone 470 Post Punk
96 Flight or Fight 240 Indie Folk
97 Fold 500 Alternative
98 Forgiveness 500 Alternative
99 Francis 500 Indie Folk
100 Fresh Start 500 Post Rock
101 Friend/Enemy 500 Art Rock
102 Fruitfly 500 Indie Garage
103 Game Over 385 Noise Rock
104 Gather Strength 500 Experimental Rock
105 Gentle Feelings 270 Chamber Pop
106 Get Out Of Town 500 Indie Folk
107 Globbi 500 New Psychadelia
108 Gloria 500 Chamber Pop
109 Glorylight 500 Experimental Rock
110 Gonna Fly Now 530 Indie Folk
111 Good House 500 New Psychadelia
112 Growth 500 Art Rock
113 Hangman 500 Indie Folk
114 Happiness 500 Noise Rock
115 Head for the Ditch 500 Indie Folk
116 Heart Pumps Blood 690 Art Rock
117 Heatwave 370 Rock en Español
118 Heavy Sigh 500 Indie Folk
119 He's Behind You 500 Chamber Pop
120 Hide Away 500 Chamber Pop
121 Hindsight 335 Indie Folk
122 Hitchhiker 500 Indie Folk
123 Hold No Grudge 500 Grunge
124 Hold On 500 Indie Folk
125 Holes 500 Art Rock
126 Horse Voice 500 Experimental Rock
127 HowYaDoing 500 Noise Rock
128 Humming People 230 Shoegazing
129 Hurricane 500 Art Rock
130 I Believe In You 500 Indie Folk
131 I Need Something 500 Indie Folk
132 I'm All I Need 500 LoFi
133 I'm Home 410 Indie Folk
134 I'm Not So Business 725 Post Rock
135 I'm Sorry 500 Chamber Pop
136 In Beauty 500 Indie Folk
137 In Moon's Light 500 Chamber Pop
138 In The Groove 500 Art Rock
139 In Tragady 500 Indie Folk
140 In Tune 500 Art Rock
141 Is This Tempo Too Obvious For A Sad Song 500 Goth Rock
142 It Takes A Village 415 Art Rock
143 It Will Get Better 500 Grunge
144 It's Not Enough 500 Indie Folk
145 Jesus This Is Bleaking Me Out 500 Chamber Pop
146 Journey To The Past 500 Noise Rock
147 Judus 500 Indie Folk
148 Just Am 500 Indie Folk
149 Just One More 425 Goth Rock
150 Just Want To Know You 500 Indie Garage
151 Knife In My Side 500 Alternative
152 La La La Love 500 Power Pop
153 Lapping Water 500 Noise Rock
154 Latin 500 Rock en Español
155 Laying Me Down 500 Indie Garage
156 Leaders 500 Art Rock
157 Learning To Grow 250 New Psychadelia
158 Let Me Go 500 Indie Garage
159 Let The Bells Ring 500 Art Rock
160 Letting Go 215 Goth Rock
161 Light Trickles 500 New Psychadelia
162 Lights Out 500 Chamber Pop
163 Listen + Learn 500 Indie Folk
164 Look Up Kid 500 Power Pop
165 Lord Take Me 500 Chamber Pop
166 Lost Boy 500 Chamber Pop
167 Loud Bells 500 Indie Folk
168 Lukewarm 500 New Psychadelia
169 Magic Feeling 500 Art Rock
170 Man In The Mirror 500 New Psychadelia
171 Manoela 400 Rock en Español
172 Microbes 150 Experimental Rock
173 Middle of the moon 500 Post Rock
174 Midnight Call 500 Indie Folk
175 Moth Meet Flame 500 Indie Folk
176 Naked Truth 500 Indie Folk
177 Neon Signs 330 Indie Garage
178 Never Got The Money 500 Art Rock
179 Night Time People 420 Alternative
180 Nil 500 Art Rock
181 Nirvana Reflection 500 Experimental Rock
182 No Man's Land 500 Indie Folk
183 No mind anymore 390 Post Rock
184 Nobody Knows 500 Indie Folk
185 Nodes 500 Experimental Rock
186 Northanger Abby 500 Indie Folk
187 O retorno do véi 815 New Wave
188 Oh Me Oh Me Oh Me Oh Me Oh My 500 Chamber Pop
189 On The Monkey's Back 500 Shoegazing
190 On The Other Side 660 Chamber Pop
191 On The Reef 500 New Psychadelia
192 Once In A Full Moon 465 Chamber Pop
193 Only One For Me 500 Indie Folk
194 Only With You 500 Indie Garage
195 Owl In The Rafters 215 Indie Folk
196 Pain Named Dog 475 New Psychadelia
197 Paint It Over 500 Chamber Pop
198 Paris Ray 300 New Psychadelia
199 Passionfruit 500 Indie Folk
200 Pick Up Your Mics 500 Alternative
201 Pissed Ra Me 500 New Psychadelia
202 Playboy of the Western World 500 Indie Garage
203 Plumb 500 Indie Folk
204 Pretender 500 Indie Rock
205 Pumpkin Peach 500 Shoegazing
206 Quartz 500 New Psychadelia
207 Quince Paste Quencher 500 New Psychadelia
208 Rain On The Tarmac 150 Shoegazing
209 Raindrops 500 Experimental Rock
210 Ratchet Rat Shit 500 New Psychadelia
211 Rest On My Shoulders 500 Alternative
212 Rolling Waves 500 Noise Rock
213 Run Rabbit 500 Alternative
214 Runaround 500 Indie Folk
215 Running Water 500 Indie Folk
216 Sacrilege 500 Power Pop
217 Salacious 500 Art Rock
218 Scraping The Sky 500 Indie Folk
219 Scream 500 Power Pop
220 Screaming Ally Cats 505 Noise Rock
221 Sdrawkcab 445 New Psychadelia
222 Seagull Screams 500 Experimental Rock
223 Secret Message 500 Indie Folk
224 Seeds 500 Art Rock
225 Senseless Sensibility 500 New Psychadelia
226 She's The One 500 Power Pop
227 Ship Slice 500 Alternative
228 Shot of Coffee/Rooster Call 500 Indie Folk
229 Shut Up Hold Me 500 Alternative
230 Sight of the Sun 500 New Psychadelia
231 Sing Song 500 Indie Folk
232 Sinking Like A Stone 500 Chamber Pop
233 Siren Song 500 Chamber Pop
234 Sistine Sibling 500 New Psychadelia
235 Slipstream 500 New Psychadelia
236 Slow and Steady 500 Art Rock
237 Slow Burn 500 Art Rock
238 Slow Talkin' 500 Indie Garage
239 Smile If You Want 500 Indie Folk
240 Smoke Curls 500 New Psychadelia
241 Sometimes 660 Indie Rock
242 Sound & Fury 500 Noise Rock
243 Splash 500 New Psychadelia
244 Stardust 370 Chamber Pop
245 State Trooper 500 Indie Folk
246 Steam Rises 500 Post Punk
247 Steppenwolf 500 Noise Rock
248 Stone Hot Heart 500 Indie Folk
249 Stoney Clouds 500 New Psychadelia
250 Strike! 500 Grunge
251 Stupid Love 500 Experimental Rock
252 Suburban Dream 500 Indie Garage
253 Suger Sweet 500 Art Rock
254 Sunshower 305 Indie Rock
255 Swans 500 New Psychadelia
256 Take A Look Around 500 Chamber Pop
257 Take It Easy 620 Indie Folk
258 Talk About It 500 New Psychadelia
259 Taste 500 New Psychadelia
260 The Artist's Way 700 New Psychadelia
261 The Bay 500 New Psychadelia
262 The Charge 500 Indie Garage
263 The Devil Slumbers 500 Goth Rock
264 The Glowing 500 New Psychadelia
265 The Hunter and The Gatherer 660 Indie Folk
266 The Inner Changes the Outer 500 New Psychadelia
267 The Mind Changes The Inner 500 New Psychadelia
268 The Mudfish Gasps 500 Indie Folk
269 The New Dawn 500 Chamber Pop
270 The Number Three Has Significant Meaning 500 Indie Garage
271 The Outer Changes The Place 500 New Psychadelia
272 The Place Changes The Mind 500 New Psychadelia
273 The Puppet 190 Experimental Rock
274 The Tumble 500 Alternative
275 The Undergrowth 500 Darkwave
276 The Vampire 210 Alternative
277 These Feelings Will Pass 500 New Wave
278 Thirsty Dogs 500 Post Rock
279 Thirsty Throat 500 Indie Garage
280 This Is It 500 Art Rock
281 This Time I Swear 500 Indie Garage
282 Thumb In My Mouth 500 Indie Folk
283 Thunderclaps 500 Power Pop
284 Tickling Thought 500 New Psychadelia
285 Tide Turns 500 Shoegazing
286 Tonight 500 Indie Folk
287 Too Many To Name 500 Chamber Pop
288 Tortise 500 New Wave
289 Tower of Song 460 Indie Folk
290 Trash Can On Fire 500 Indie Garage
291 Trickling Glisten 500 New Psychadelia
292 Try It/Do It 500 Power Pop
293 Turn Into 500 New Psychadelia
294 Two Hearts 500 Chamber Pop
295 Unknown 500 Indie Garage
296 Vice Royal 500 Experimental Rock
297 Viral 500 Darkwave
298 Voiceless 500 Art Rock
299 Warm Goosebumps/Glitter Sun 500 Chamber Pop
300 Wash Me Away 500 Art Rock
301 Wasting Our Time 500 Chamber Pop
302 We're so business 500 Post Rock
303 Westport 500 Alternative
304 What Is Real? 500 Chamber Pop
305 Where Are You? 500 Indie Garage
306 Where Ya At? 500 Chamber Pop
307 Who Do I Want To Be? 580 Indie Folk
308 Who Owns An Empire? 645 Chamber Pop
309 Why? 500 Indie Garage
310 Wilderpeople 500 Indie Folk
311 Window Watching 515 New Psychadelia
312 Without You 500 Art Rock
313 Wood Creeks 500 New Psychadelia
314 Work For Better 500 Indie Folk
315 Worth The Fight 500 Art Rock
316 Ya Blessin' Me 500 Indie Folk
317 You Can't Live Like That Forever 500 Goth Rock
318 You Loved To Dance 500 Indie Garage
319 You Weren't There Anymore 375 Chamber Pop
320 Your Face In My Place 500 Indie Garage
321 Your Needs 500 Power Pop

New Songs in Repertoire

This artist has 25 new songs not yet revealed to the public in its repertoire.