Strawberry Cupcakes

Artist Repertoire

Songs played on stage by an artist have to be in their artist repertoire. You can add your own songs, or other people's songs, into your repertoire at any time. Playing songs written by people who aren't with the band are considered covers and won't score as high as your own material of similar quality. Songs which haven't been revealed to the public yet are listed on this page as New Songs.

You can select what information to display about your repertoire by changing the drop down lists in the repertoire view. For VIP members, your selection remains throughout the current session.

# Song Popularity Genre
1 ****hit 500 Solo Instrumental
2 1010 500 Gagaku
3 111 500 Chamber Music
4 111 500 Symphonic
5 11-11 500 Chamber Music
6 1212 500 Chamber Music
7 1231123 500 Medieval
8 1231231 500 Impressionist
9 1231231 500 Impressionist
10 1312312 500 Impressionist
11 1313 500 Chamber Music
12 1414 500 Chamber Music
13 1515 500 Impressionist
14 15şehir 500 Avant Classical
15 1616 500 Chamber Music
16 222 500 Chamber Music
17 2333 500 Avant Classical
18 32131 500 Symphonic
19 32131 500 Avant Classical
20 32131 500 Sultaniyegah
21 333 500 Chamber Music
22 421312 500 Sultaniyegah
23 432123 500 Chamber Music
24 444 500 Solo Instrumental
25 45623 500 Gagaku
26 45dk 500 Symphonic
27 54646 500 Arabesque
28 555 500 Chamber Music
29 5555 500 Symphonic
30 65464 500 Sultaniyegah
31 666 500 Sultaniyegah
32 666 500 Chamber Music
33 76767 500 Sultaniyegah
34 777 500 Renaissance
35 8888 500 Solo Instrumental
36 999 500 Chamber Music
37 aaaa 500 Avant Classical
38 acele 500 Solo Instrumental
39 akıl hocalığı 500 Symphonic
40 akım 500 Symphonic
41 al sana görev 500 Symphonic
42 albüm geliyor 500 Symphonic
43 allah aşkına hit çık 500 Solo Instrumental
44 amonyak 500 Symphonic
45 andrea hit1 500 Solo Instrumental
46 andrea hit2 500 Solo Instrumental
47 andrea hit3 500 Solo Instrumental
48 antenora 500 Symphonic
49 asdf 500 Symphonic
50 asdfasdfa 500 Solo Instrumental
51 Atom 500 Impressionist
52 av günü biten vip 500 Avant Classical
53 Azaldı dp 500 Symphonic
54 bartuuuu <3 500 Avant Classical
55 Başlat 500 Symphonic
56 Baygın 500 Symphonic
57 Bayram şekeri 500 Opera
58 beyaz 500 Symphonic
59 bir görev daha 500 Medieval
60 bu kaçıncı beste 500 Medieval
61 bu ne şimdi 500 Renaissance
62 çay ocağı 500 Medieval
63 cazibe 500 Medieval
64 Çilekli 500 Symphonic
65 cup 1 500 Renaissance
66 cup 2 500 Arabesque
67 cup 3 500 Solo Instrumental
68 cupcake 500 Chamber Music
69 değişiklik 500 Solo Instrumental
70 dgfgh 500 Renaissance
71 dgfhj 500 Sultaniyegah
72 Dolanasın dile 500 Solo Instrumental
73 dpli şarkılar 500 Medieval
74 elektrik 500 Symphonic
75 Erken 500 Renaissance
76 eylüllü 500 Symphonic
77 fdghjkl 500 Solo Instrumental
78 fenantrolin 500 Opera
79 Fire on the Mountain 500 Sultaniyegah
80 Fırında makarna 500 Chamber Music
81 görev 500 Gagaku
82 Görev başgan 500 Renaissance
83 görev için 500 Gagaku
84 Görev verdi greggtoş 500 Renaissance
85 Görevli şarkı 500 Renaissance
86 görevsel 500 Renaissance
87 görevsiz şarkı 500 Renaissance
88 Granny Will Your Dog Bite? 500 Sultaniyegah
89 green 500 Sultaniyegah
90 Grip 500 Symphonic
91 hadi ama artık hit 500 Symphonic
92 hasta 500 Solo Instrumental
93 hdjks 500 Gagaku
94 hehehe 500 Symphonic
95 hgjk 500 Solo Instrumental
96 HİT ÇIKAR MISIN 500 Symphonic
97 Hit çukar musun artuk 500 Symphonic
98 hit gelecek bu şarkı 500 Solo Instrumental
99 hit mi gelecek 500 Symphonic
100 hjkl 500 Impressionist
101 House of the Rising Sun 500 Sultaniyegah
102 iki 500 Opera
103 İsmi dandik hit mi olurmuş**hit 500 Solo Instrumental
104 ito 500 Symphonic
105 İyiler kötüler 500 Symphonic
106 kaçan güncel 500 Opera
107 kalsinasyon 500 Impressionist
108 karakafes 500 Impressionist
109 katili 500 Symphonic
110 kjbvcvxbn 500 Medieval
111 kl34 500 Symphonic
112 kl36 500 Solo Instrumental
113 kl37 500 Sultaniyegah
114 kl39 500 Sultaniyegah
115 klasik 500 Impressionist
116 kupa 500 Symphonic
117 Kurula 500 Medieval
118 magnum opus 500 Solo Instrumental
119 Magnum Opus 500 Solo Instrumental
120 malayda 500 Gagaku
121 mandalina 500 Symphonic
122 mnmnmn 500 Impressionist
123 mnmnmnm 500 Renaissance
124 mömmnmn 500 Opera
125 mükemmel özgünlük 500 Gagaku
126 naber**klasik 500 Symphonic
127 Ondokuzhaziran 500 Solo Instrumental
128 özgünlüğüne 500 Symphonic
129 Palooza 500 Solo Instrumental
130 parlak çubuk 500 Symphonic
131 pis burun 500 Symphonic
132 raket 500 Symphonic
133 reaktör 500 Symphonic
134 rudolf 500 Symphonic
135 şarkı kalmamış 500 Impressionist
136 şarkılı şarkı 500 Symphonic
137 scrı 500 Sultaniyegah
138 scrq 500 Opera
139 scrr 500 Sultaniyegah
140 scru 500 Sultaniyegah
141 scrw 500 Sultaniyegah
142 Şef 500 Impressionist
143 Seme gittik dönücez 500 Symphonic
144 Strawberry 500 Solo Instrumental
145 Şu 1 500 Renaissance
146 Şu 2 *hit 500 Medieval
147 sürekli yeni isim bulmak çok zor :( 500 Opera
148 süresi geçen iğne 500 Opera
149 sütlü kahve 500 Medieval
150 ta51 500 Avant Classical
151 ta52 500 Sultaniyegah
152 ta53 500 Avant Classical
153 ta54 500 Symphonic
154 ta55 500 Symphonic
155 ta56 500 Impressionist
156 ta-hit 500 Solo Instrumental
157 tatlış 500 Symphonic
158 Tavuklu 500 Symphonic
159 taze bitmiş 500 Symphonic
160 Teknik 500 Opera
161 ters 500 Renaissance
162 tiftif 500 Gagaku
163 tüfek kovanı**hit 500 Solo Instrumental
164 turnee 500 Gagaku
165 Üçbuçuk 500 Medieval
166 umut 500 Gagaku
167 unuttu 500 Medieval
168 Uyku 500 Impressionist
169 yazmak gerekmiş 500 Gagaku
170 yazmamış 500 Medieval
171 yeni bir şarkı 500 Symphonic
172 Yenişarkı 500 Opera
173 yetişmeyen rep vol1231 500 Chamber Music
174 yıldız 500 Symphonic
175 yıldız 500 Opera
176 yine görevvvv 500 Renaissance
177 yol yordam 500 Solo Instrumental
178 yüzmüş 500 Solo Instrumental

New Songs in Repertoire

This artist has 24 new songs not yet revealed to the public in its repertoire.