GodDэss oF Wolvэs

Artist Repertoire

Songs played on stage by an artist have to be in their artist repertoire. You can add your own songs, or other people's songs, into your repertoire at any time. Playing songs written by people who aren't with the band are considered covers and won't score as high as your own material of similar quality. Songs which haven't been revealed to the public yet are listed on this page as New Songs.

You can select what information to display about your repertoire by changing the drop down lists in the repertoire view. For VIP members, your selection remains throughout the current session.

# Song Popularity Genre
1 BrOoKlYn3 240 Nu Metal
2 BrOoKlYn4 205 Nu Metal
3 DeViL3 255 Nu Metal
4 DeViL4 250 Nu Metal
5 DeViL5 505 Nu Metal
6 DeViL6 320 Nu Metal
7 DeViL7 520 Nu Metal
8 Đevilish 1 545 Nu Metal
9 EfSaNe 630 Nu Metal
10 EfSaNe1 570 Nu Metal
11 HeRa2 230 Nu Metal
12 HeRa3 250 Nu Metal
13 HeRa4 570 Nu Metal
14 HeRa5 580 Nu Metal
15 HeRa6 510 Nu Metal
16 HeRa7 470 Nu Metal
17 KaHrAmAn2 500 Nu Metal
18 KaHrAmAn3 310 Nu Metal
19 KaLpSiZ 560 Nu Metal
20 KaLpSiZ1 610 Nu Metal
21 KaLpSiZ2 610 Nu Metal
22 KaLpSiz3 625 Nu Metal
23 KaLpSiz4 555 Nu Metal
24 MrVale1 150 Nu Metal
25 MrVaLe3 250 Nu Metal
26 MrVaLe4 215 Nu Metal
27 MrVaLe5 560 Nu Metal
28 MrVaLe6 625 Nu Metal
29 MrVaLe7 630 Nu Metal
30 MrVaLe8 830 Nu Metal
31 RüZgAr10 565 Nu Metal
32 RüZgAr2 245 Nu Metal
33 RüZgAr3 250 Nu Metal
34 RüZgAr4 655 Nu Metal
35 RüZgAr5 220 Nu Metal
36 RüZgAr6 645 Nu Metal
37 RüZgAr7 650 Nu Metal
38 RüZgAr8 545 Nu Metal
39 RüZgAr9 625 Nu Metal
40 TaYnA3 720 Nu Metal

New Songs in Repertoire

This artist has 12 new songs not yet revealed to the public in its repertoire.