Richard Heaton

Artist Repertoire

Songs played on stage by an artist have to be in their artist repertoire. You can add your own songs, or other people's songs, into your repertoire at any time. Playing songs written by people who aren't with the band are considered covers and won't score as high as your own material of similar quality. Songs which haven't been revealed to the public yet are listed on this page as New Songs.

You can select what information to display about your repertoire by changing the drop down lists in the repertoire view. For VIP members, your selection remains throughout the current session.

# Song Popularity Genre
1 # Remenber 500 Soft Rock
2 #number1 500 Britpop
3 073 500 Dance Pop
4 10 carros 500 Dance Pop
5 7 rings 500 Easy Listening
6 All of the lights 500 Experimental Pop
7 Alone 500 Disco
8 American girls 500 Teen Pop
9 Amnesia 500 Dance Pop
10 Angels like you 500 Soft Rock
11 anti-hero 500 New Wave Pop
12 Apeshit 500 Contemporary R&B
13 Apeshit (Remix) 500 Dance Pop
14 As Luzes dessa cidade 500 K-Pop
15 astronaut 500 Disco
16 Bad romance 500 Dance Pop
17 Ball of me 500 Britpop
18 Bang bang 500 Dance Pop
19 Believe 500 Disco
20 better be alone 500 Indie Pop
21 Big hit time 500 Dance Pop
22 Big lie 500 Euro Pop
23 black magic 500 Dance Pop
24 black poison 500 K-Pop
25 Blackout 500 Teen Pop
26 Blafe 500 Indie Pop
27 Blow 500 Indie Pop
28 boca a boca 635 Vocalists
29 Bodak yellow 500 Synth Pop
30 body 500 Dance Pop
31 Born this way 500 Dance Pop
32 Boss bitch 500 Pop Rap
33 but i like it that way 500 Dance Pop
34 butterflies 500 Teen Pop
35 BYE BYE 500 Synth Pop
36 caminhos 500 J-Pop
37 Caramba 500 J-Pop
38 Celebrity 500 Indie Pop
39 CHOQUE 400 Indie Pop
40 Circles 500 Euro Pop
41 Circus 500 Dance Pop
42 Close to you 500 Dance Pop
43 Cold heart 500 Indie Pop
44 control 500 Dance Pop
45 cool of summer 500 Soft Rock
46 Crazy in love 500 Teen Pop
47 cuff it 500 Britpop
48 Dançar entre nos 530 Dance Pop
49 Dance por onde 540 Dance Pop
50 dancing for eternity 500 Dance Pop
51 dancing with darkness 515 Dance Pop
52 Dark ballet 500 Synth Pop
53 Deep dreams 500 Dance Pop
54 devil's kiss 500 Soft Rock
55 disappointment 500 Indie Pop
56 Don't stop 500 Dance Pop
57 drivers license 500 Southern Soul
58 Dynamite 500 Indie Pop
59 easy for you to say 500 Indie Pop
60 Ego 500 Indie Pop
61 empire state of mind 500 Dance Pop
62 Empire states of mind 500 Dance Pop
63 Entre nós 500 K-Pop
64 Envolver 200 Euro Pop
65 Esse mel... 500 K-Pop
66 Esses mfk 500 Soft Rock
67 Fake Love 500 Soft Rock
69 finess 500 Dance Pop
70 Fire on the Mountain 500 Disco
71 Flash Pose 500 Disco
72 Flawless 500 Teen Pop
73 Follow the path 500 Dance Pop
74 Forever young 500 Contemporary R&B
75 Freedom 500 Pop Rap
76 Fuego 500 Disco
77 FUTURE 500 Synth Pop
78 Fuzué 500 Dance Pop
79 G.U.Y 500 Britpop
80 GLORY 500 K-Pop
81 Glow up 500 Teen Pop
82 Golden mouth 500 Dance Pop
83 Good 500 Dance Pop
84 Good 4 u 500 Indie Pop
85 Good form 500 Dance Pop
86 Got A Figure Like A Doll 500 Dance Pop
87 Granny Will Your Dog Bite? 500 Dance Pop
88 GUCCI 500 Dance Pop
89 Guitarra de fogo 160 Soft Rock
90 Hell 500 Teen Pop
91 Hey hey hey 500 Dance Pop
92 History Repeating 500 Soft Rock
93 Holy grail 500 Indie Pop
94 HOT 500 K-Pop
95 Hot Girls 500 Dance Pop
96 House of the Rising Sun 500 Dance Pop
97 Human nature 500 Dance Pop
98 I am Richard 500 Soft Rock
99 I don't waste my time 500 Dance Pop
100 I feel it coming 500 Indie Pop
101 i live a dream 500 Dance Pop
102 I never loved anyone like I loved 500 Disco
103 I touched the fire and I liked it 500 Dance Pop
104 I want it again! 500 Disco
105 i want to live more than a romance 500 Dance Pop
106 I want you by my side! 500 Teen Pop
107 Ice Cream Castle 500 Dance Pop
108 I'll call you you don't answer 500 Dance Pop
109 I'm your light 500 Dance Pop
110 In front of the mirror 500 Indie Pop
111 indecision 500 Dance Pop
112 intact 500 Dance Pop
113 Irrepleace 500 Dance Pop
114 It's a matter of loving 500 Disco
115 Its my life 500 Dance Pop
116 Kill bill 500 New Wave Pop
117 Kilroy! Where are You ? 500 Dance Pop
118 Kings and Queens 500 Disco
119 Legacy 500 Dance Pop
120 Let me go 500 Dance Pop
121 like a prayer 500 Dance Pop
122 Living Young Forever 500 Teen Pop
123 Lonely 500 Indie Pop
124 look made me do 500 Dance Pop
125 love in the dark 500 Euro Pop
126 love scenes 500 Britpop
127 Love surpreme 500 Dance Pop
128 Lovepop 500 Synth Pop
129 Magic Power 500 Soft Rock
130 Majesty 500 Euro Pop
131 me siga para essa liberdade 215 Indie Pop
132 Mentes de borboleta 185 Teen Pop
133 Meu amor livre 460 Teen Pop
134 Meu bem eu te amo... 500 Disco
135 Meu pior herói 500 K-Pop
136 Meus sonhos...meus sonhos 640 Soft Rock
137 Mexa seu corpo 500 Britpop
138 Milk shake 500 K-Pop
139 minha cura 625 K-Pop
140 Morrer por você 500 J-Pop
141 Nao encosta no que e meu 310 Disco
142 Não vou saber me acostumar :'( 170 K-Pop
143 NDA 500 Experimental Pop
144 Never Wanna Know 500 Dance Pop
145 no conversations 500 Disco
146 No no no 500 Indie Pop
147 Obediência 500 K-Pop
148 OH MY LIFE 500 Britpop
149 onde estás 500 J-Pop
150 only men 500 Dance Pop
151 Our Kingdom 500 Dance Pop
152 Outdoor 500 Disco
153 Overdrive 500 Experimental Pop
154 Pé no chão 280 Dance Pop
155 PEGA A PEGA 635 Britpop
156 Personalities 500 Dance Pop
157 Plain jane 500 Synth Pop
158 Plan B 500 K-Pop
159 Plastic heart 500 Dance Pop
160 Poker face 500 Teen Pop
161 Positions 500 Dance Pop
162 prayers the darkness 500 K-Pop
163 Prism 500 Dance Pop
164 reason of my life 500 Dance Pop
165 reasons 500 Vocalists
166 Renascer 640 Euro Pop
167 Repete 635 Teen Pop
168 revolta 640 Experimental Pop
169 Right now 500 Dance Pop
170 Run This Town 500 Euro Pop
171 Running away from my reality 500 J-Pop
172 sacrifice 500 Dance Pop
173 Save Your Tears 500 Indie Pop
174 Self-Love Potion 500 Dance Pop
175 selling your soul to the rats 500 Britpop
176 Sem querer 500 Disco
177 sentimentos puros 710 Britpop
178 Seremos jovens 500 K-Pop
179 Sex in the back 500 Indie Pop
180 shrapnel 500 K-Pop
181 side room 500 Dance Pop
182 Sine from above 500 Dance Pop
183 single boys 500 Dance Pop
184 Sonho meu 500 Dance Pop
185 Soul sale 500 Teen Pop
186 speak my name, name, name, name 500 Dance Pop
187 Super bass 500 Dance Pop
188 Sweet dreams 500 Dance Pop
189 Take 500 Dance Pop
190 Te perdi 150 New Wave Pop
191 Telephone 500 Teen Pop
192 the boss arrived 500 Dance Pop
193 The Hills 500 Soft Rock
194 The Light is coming 500 Dance Pop
195 the pact 500 Teen Pop
196 The party started 500 Dance Pop
197 There is still love 500 Dance Pop
198 they are the problems 500 Vocalists
199 Thomaz of diamonds 500 Dance Pop
200 Time 500 Disco
201 To sozinho!! 115 Dance Pop
202 traitor 500 Teen Pop
203 Troca 340 Synth Pop
204 Twerk it 500 Synth Pop
205 under my umbrella 500 Dance Pop
206 Unicorn 500 Dance Pop
207 Va va voom 500 Indie Pop
208 Vem de ré... 460 Ethno Pop
209 Venha até mim 500 Disco
210 Venom 500 K-Pop
211 Volta vida 215 Teen Pop
212 walking in the dark, with my light 500 Dance Pop
213 want to fly 500 Dance Pop
214 Wap 500 Dance Pop
215 what I need to love you 500 Synth Pop
216 Whats my name 500 Indie Pop
217 where are you 500 Indie Pop
218 Where did I go wrong 500 Dance Pop
219 Woman Like me 500 Synth Pop
220 worth every penny 500 Dance Pop

New Songs in Repertoire

This artist has 4 new songs not yet revealed to the public in its repertoire.