darkling darlings

Artist Repertoire

Songs played on stage by an artist have to be in their artist repertoire. You can add your own songs, or other people's songs, into your repertoire at any time. Playing songs written by people who aren't with the band are considered covers and won't score as high as your own material of similar quality. Songs which haven't been revealed to the public yet are listed on this page as New Songs.

You can select what information to display about your repertoire by changing the drop down lists in the repertoire view. For VIP members, your selection remains throughout the current session.

# Song Popularity Genre
1 18 forever 500 Hip Hop Soul
2 1997 545 70s Soul
3 2002 125 70s Soul
4 25 is coming 160 Gospel
5 25 is here 170 Gospel
6 30 y/o babies 720 Doo Wop
7 5 Star Michelin 500 Alternative R&B
8 a cat named Jiro 500 Alternative R&B
9 a cat named Juju 500 Alternative R&B
10 a little piece of hell 495 Contemporary R&B
11 affection 500 Contemporary R&B
12 after forever 500 Doo Wop
13 aggressive purring 500 Motown
14 ah JuJu, my sweet torture 500 Hip Hop Soul
15 aju nice 540 Contemporary R&B
16 Akita's butt is a peach 500 Alternative R&B
17 album recordings are hectic 500 Contemporary R&B
18 all i dream about is Jiro 500 Southern Soul
19 alternative 190 Gospel
20 always clingy, needy, hungry & thirsty 500 New Jack Swing
21 always needy, always clingy 500 Southern Soul
22 always with me 500 Southern Soul
23 americans everywhere 555 Contemporary R&B
24 angel face 500 Southern Soul
25 apeteu, apeteu 155 Gospel
26 ask me out again 405 Southern Soul
27 automatic behaviour 500 70s Soul
28 autumn in los angeles 170 Gospel
29 babie juju 500 Contemporary R&B
30 babie Sveinn 500 Gospel
31 babiest Jiro 500 Motown
32 babiest Sveinn 500 Gospel
33 baby boy, you can say my name 500 Hip Hop Soul
34 baby fever 500 Gospel
35 baby got drip 425 Contemporary R&B
36 baby Jiro 500 Gospel
37 baby me 615 Doo Wop
38 baby Sveinn 500 Southern Soul
39 baby sveinn babiest 500 Contemporary R&B
40 baby time 500 Hip Hop Soul
41 babyJiro>>> 500 Alternative R&B
42 BADTITUDE 255 Gospel
43 Banana drama 685 Doo Wop
44 banana milk 500 Alternative R&B
45 be lazy with me 500 Doo Wop
46 be mushy with me 500 Doo Wop
47 be silly with me 500 Doo Wop
48 be wild with me 500 Doo Wop
49 bedtime story 165 Gospel
50 beg me to fuck you 500 70s Soul
51 Bento box but make it Sunghee 785 Contemporary R&B
52 beyond the end 500 Doo Wop
53 birthday boy Juju 500 Doo Wop
54 bite me, kiss me, come here 500 Doo Wop
55 born cat lover 510 Gospel
56 brain dead 500 Contemporary R&B
57 bring back Seunghan 425 Contemporary R&B
58 Bring Me Storm 500 Contemporary R&B
59 busy being a husband, father & a leader 500 Doo Wop
60 busy eating Jiro 500 Doo Wop
61 california wine 170 Gospel
62 california winter 290 Contemporary R&B
63 can i get physical touch and affection? 500 Doo Wop
64 can or cannot 500 Contemporary R&B
65 cease to exist 420 Contemporary R&B
66 cherished memories 160 Gospel
67 chocolate pie 500 Contemporary R&B
68 chonky 210 Gospel
69 clean girl vibes 205 Gospel
70 clean skin 210 Gospel
71 clingy cats 210 Gospel
72 come and kiss me and bite me 500 Gospel
73 coming home 515 Southern Soul
74 compliments, touching & effort 500 Contemporary R&B
75 constantly thinking of you 500 Contemporary R&B
76 crazier 220 Gospel
77 crazy for Sveinn 500 Alternative R&B
78 crazy form 500 Alternative R&B
79 crazy form 500 Alternative R&B
80 crimson day 375 Southern Soul
81 cuddles on a winter morning 500 Alternative R&B
82 culture shock 500 New Jack Swing
83 curly and cute 425 Contemporary R&B
84 curly kitty 425 Contemporary R&B
85 cute babies we are 500 Doo Wop
86 cute hair day 220 Gospel
87 cute kitten paws 500 Doo Wop
88 cute kitty tail 500 Doo Wop
89 dancing Hee 500 Alternative R&B
90 darkest black 410 Southern Soul
91 darkest night 730 Doo Wop
92 darumdarimda 500 Southern Soul
93 darumdarimda 500 Southern Soul
94 dash it 500 Alternative R&B
95 daydream 420 Contemporary R&B
96 daydream 420 Contemporary R&B
97 daydream 420 Contemporary R&B
98 dear. my darling. 200 Gospel
99 devoted obsession 500 Gospel
100 Dinner in the dark 500 Contemporary R&B
101 dirty mind & pure heart 500 G-Funk
102 do it all again 150 Gospel
103 don't have mercy on me 500 Southern Soul
104 don't you want me like i want you baby 155 Gospel
105 dopamine boost 210 Gospel
106 dressing room song 500 Alternative R&B
107 dripping gold 425 Contemporary R&B
108 dune 115 Gospel
109 eating my boy raw 500 Southern Soul
110 eepy 210 Gospel
111 Erinny 220 Gospel
112 Erinny Cake 460 Contemporary R&B
113 existing 535 Gospel
114 expensive taste 400 Southern Soul
115 Fall into your eyes 500 New Jack Swing
116 fav meal Jeno yummm 500 Doo Wop
117 fav meal Jiro butt naked 500 Doo Wop
118 fav meal Jiro's lips 500 Doo Wop
119 feed me you 500 Motown
120 fierce attraction 500 New Soul
121 finally free 500 Motown
122 fire in the belly 500 Doo Wop
123 Fire on the Mountain 500 Gospel
124 first day 720 Doo Wop
125 forever and after that 500 Alternative R&B
126 forever my baby 500 Doo Wop
127 forever my love 500 Doo Wop
128 fuck my soul out of my body 500 Doo Wop
129 full 500 Doo Wop
130 fun to stare 500 New Jack Swing
131 giggling 500 Doo Wop
132 girly girlie 225 Gospel
133 give me motivation 425 Contemporary R&B
134 glass skin 735 Doo Wop
135 god's favorite 500 New Jack Swing
136 gold 500 Doo Wop
137 Granny Will Your Dog Bite? 500 Gospel
138 hahahaha so funny 725 Doo Wop
139 half 500 Contemporary R&B
140 happy days 500 New Jack Swing
141 happy happy happy 500 New Jack Swing
142 happy happy happy 725 Doo Wop
143 heaven can wait 500 Contemporary R&B
144 hehehe i got the handsome boy: Jiro 500 New Jack Swing
145 hi Sveinn, you little stalker luv you 500 Gospel
146 hidden gem 500 Southern Soul
147 hold a blade to my throat (flirtatious) 500 Gospel
148 House of the Rising Sun 500 Gospel
149 hubbiest baby Jiro 500 New Jack Swing
150 hubby>>> 500 New Jack Swing
151 humming to songs i don’t understand 500 Gospel
152 hungry 500 Contemporary R&B
153 hungry of Sveinn 500 New Jack Swing
154 hyperstellar 405 Southern Soul
155 I do nothing but love you 405 Southern Soul
156 i don’t like your clothes take them off 500 New Jack Swing
157 i forgot it is winter already 560 Contemporary R&B
158 i have superpowers 500 Gospel
159 i just wanna be loved, fyi juju 500 Gospel
160 i just woke up and wanna sleep already 710 Doo Wop
161 I love your soft paws and ass 500 Gospel
162 I need your body, give it to me 500 G-Funk
163 I remember 500 G-Funk
164 i see you in my dreams 500 New Jack Swing
165 I wanna ride with you 500 New Soul
166 i will unvirgin your olive oil 500 Southern Soul
167 i woke up hungry 500 New Jack Swing
168 I’ll be there 500 Gospel
169 i’m gonna bite Jiro 500 Gospel
170 i’m gonna eat Jiro 500 New Jack Swing
171 i’m obsessed with Jiro 500 New Jack Swing
172 ice on my teeth 725 Doo Wop
173 ice on my teeth 720 Doo Wop
174 ice on my teeth 720 Doo Wop
175 if I don’t get a goodnight kiss I’ll die 500 New Jack Swing
176 Ignited Passions 500 Gospel
177 i'm always hungry 500 Gospel
178 i'm always needy 500 70s Soul
179 I'm in for the storm of century! 500 Doo Wop
180 i'm in the mood to love you 500 Doo Wop
181 i'm the mess in distress you love 500 New Jack Swing
182 i'm top tier 500 Contemporary R&B
183 inevitable 405 Southern Soul
184 is a 100 400 Southern Soul
185 is a 96 410 Southern Soul
186 is a 97 405 Southern Soul
187 is a 98 400 Southern Soul
188 is a 99 530 Southern Soul
189 it’s fun to see you blush all over 440 Southern Soul
190 it's a nice weather to make love, Jiro 500 Hip Hop Soul
191 it's a nice weather to make love, Sveinn 500 Doo Wop
192 it's fun to see you blush 295 70s Soul
193 it's in our DNA 500 New Jack Swing
194 Jiro belongs to me 500 Doo Wop
195 Jiro is hot, that's the song 500 New Jack Swing
196 Jiro is mine to bite 500 Doo Wop
197 jiro yummy 500 Contemporary R&B
198 jiro's baby lips yumyum 500 Contemporary R&B
199 juju babie 500 Contemporary R&B
200 Juju baby 500 Contemporary R&B
201 juju song 500 Contemporary R&B
202 juju, jung and jun 500 New Jack Swing
203 Juju, me and babies 500 Hip Hop Soul
204 JuJu’s baby 500 Gospel
205 jujuju 500 Contemporary R&B
206 jujuju babie 500 70s Soul
207 jujuju meomeomeow 500 Contemporary R&B
208 jujujuju love 500 Doo Wop
209 jujujujujuju 500 Gospel
210 Jung wants babies, yay 500 Contemporary R&B
211 kiss me 500 Motown
212 kiss me hard, make it hurt 500 70s Soul
213 Kiss me, Hug me and Love me 500 Hip Hop Soul
214 kiss my soul out of my mouth 500 Contemporary R&B
215 kiss my whiskers 500 Contemporary R&B
216 la sun 500 Contemporary R&B
217 landing on clouds 500 Gospel
218 Lemme take u to the moon and never back 500 Motown
219 let me baby you, Sveinn 500 Motown
220 Let's sunbathe & make out in our garden 500 Doo Wop
221 lmao i am so right 500 Doo Wop
222 look at the stars with me 500 Motown
223 loud purr machine 525 Gospel
224 Match made in hell 500 New Jack Swing
225 maybe perhaps 500 New Jack Swing
226 meow in my ear 500 Gospel
227 meow with me 500 Gospel
228 morning coffee 500 Gospel
229 morning coffee 500 70s Soul
230 morning eyes 500 Gospel
231 morning kiss 500 Gospel
232 my belly wants your baby, JuJu 500 Doo Wop
233 my heart is still on fire 500 Motown
234 my JuJu is so sweet 500 Doo Wop
235 my turn 500 Gospel
236 my type of fucked-up (flirting) 500 Motown
237 night vision 500 New Jack Swing
238 oh it's 8am already 500 G-Funk
239 our demons would play well together 500 Doo Wop
240 pink flowers 500 Gospel
241 Pink Sungheeshi roll 500 Hip Hop Soul
242 pls bite my face, Jiro 500 70s Soul
243 pompom 500 70s Soul
244 Pretty sky 500 G-Funk
245 Purr in my ear 500 G-Funk
246 purr in my ear, Sveinn 500 Gospel
247 purr machine 500 Gospel
248 purr machine Tuta 500 Gospel
249 purr meow mrrr 500 Gospel
250 purr purr Jiro 500 Gospel
251 purr purr Juju 500 Gospel
252 purr sveinn purr 500 Motown
253 purr with me 500 Gospel
254 purr with me Jiro 500 Gospel
255 purrriest Jiro 500 Gospel
256 purry 500 Gospel
257 purry baby Juju 500 Gospel
258 Put your legs on my shoulders 500 G-Funk
259 shine on you 500 70s Soul
260 slowly slowly dying 500 Hip Hop Soul
261 small fish 500 Gospel
262 soft love 500 Motown
263 softer than cotton 500 70s Soul
264 something cute 500 New Jack Swing
265 song 500 Motown
266 songs for Sveinn 500 70s Soul
267 sorry I'm bisexual and easily distracted 500 Hip Hop Soul
268 Storm in the sheets 500 G-Funk
269 Storm is precious and heartmelting 500 G-Funk
270 storm it out 500 70s Soul
271 Stormie purr 500 Southern Soul
272 Stormie’s squishy 500 G-Funk
273 Stormoothie 500 New Jack Swing
274 Stormy love 500 G-Funk
275 Sungsushi 500 G-Funk
276 sunny loves jun 500 70s Soul
277 Sunny, someone stole my hit 500 New Jack Swing
278 sunset symphony 500 Southern Soul
279 sveinn baby 500 Hip Hop Soul
280 sveinn being a hero, helping teenagers 500 Hip Hop Soul
281 sveinn purrs like a baby kitty 500 Motown
282 sveinn, kiss me! i’m needy! 500 70s Soul
283 sveinn's stromie 500 G-Funk
284 tastiest meal Jiro 500 G-Funk
285 That is so disgusting...I’m down tho 500 70s Soul
286 the urge to be hugged for 4 hrs 500 70s Soul
287 thigh grabs to display possessiveness 500 Doo Wop
288 till the end 500 Doo Wop
289 to experience you is a privilege 500 G-Funk
290 turn me on 500 Contemporary R&B
291 typo 500 Alternative R&B
292 waking up to see you 460 Hip Hop Soul
293 warm hugs & wet kisses 500 G-Funk
294 warmest day 500 Hip Hop Soul
295 we are babies 460 Hip Hop Soul
296 we are so high lalalla 500 70s Soul
297 we kiss, we fight, we make up 500 New Jack Swing
298 we meow together 460 Hip Hop Soul
299 we need a baby, Jiro 500 G-Funk
300 we purr together 500 G-Funk
301 what time is it? 500 70s Soul
302 which band will Juya join? 500 G-Funk
303 why is this coffee so spicy 450 Hip Hop Soul
304 Wings wouldn't help you 500 G-Funk
305 winter 500 Hip Hop Soul
306 winter evenings 455 Hip Hop Soul
307 winter rain 500 G-Funk
308 winter sun 500 G-Funk
309 woke up to hug you 500 G-Funk
310 woke up to make you smile 500 G-Funk
311 yellow hearts 500 G-Funk
312 yellow, pink & purple 500 G-Funk
313 Yes, all day, all day burn me, Storm 500 Southern Soul
314 you always make me look 460 Hip Hop Soul
315 you always make me smile 460 Hip Hop Soul
316 you can set yourself on fire 500 Hip Hop Soul
317 you get the best of me 450 Hip Hop Soul
318 you should be naked in my bed rn 470 Hip Hop Soul
319 you think so heheh 500 New Soul
320 you, me & kisses 500 New Soul
321 you're weird, i like you 455 Hip Hop Soul
322 yours forever and even after that 500 Funk
323 밤새도록 460 Hip Hop Soul

New Songs in Repertoire

This artist has 279 new songs not yet revealed to the public in its repertoire.