Hard Luck Cafe

Artist Repertoire

Songs played on stage by an artist have to be in their artist repertoire. You can add your own songs, or other people's songs, into your repertoire at any time. Playing songs written by people who aren't with the band are considered covers and won't score as high as your own material of similar quality. Songs which haven't been revealed to the public yet are listed on this page as New Songs.

You can select what information to display about your repertoire by changing the drop down lists in the repertoire view. For VIP members, your selection remains throughout the current session.

# Song Popularity Genre
1 *yirim.* 500 Rock & Roll
2 06:22 500 Guitar Rock
3 17625? 500 Classic Rock
4 42 (Semen Special) 500 Blues Rock
5 46 (yonce remix) 500 Garage Rock
6 999 Days 2 Love 500 Hard Rock
7 a tale of treasure, plunder, sea and sail 500 Folk Rock
8 ağacımda dal mısın? rüyacığım mal mısın? 500 British Blues Rock
9 ağır şarkı 500 Hard Rock
10 allegro candır 500 Folk Rock
11 Amaaan... Devamlı aynı şeyleri... 500 Hard Rock
12 amma lakin ki öyle değildir 500 Kraut Rock
13 Angélic Dreamzzz... 500 Blues Rock
14 Aniyaaaaa 500 Guitar Rock
15 atım olmadan asla (beliz mix) 500 Rock & Roll
16 ay ay ay davşan delirdi 500 British Blues Rock
17 Ay dodınt de do 500 Blues Rock
18 ay driimd e driim 500 Rock & Roll
19 ay dudınt di dört 500 Blues Rock
20 Babam Sağolsun ^^ 500 Hard Rock
21 backpack 500 Rock & Roll
22 balkız (rüya speşıl) 500 Blues Rock
23 bas bas dpleri leylaya... 500 Blues Rock
24 basın yayın dediler, yaydık elhamdülillah... 500 Rock & Roll
25 Beam Me Up Scotty! 500 Classic Rock
26 beezowdoodoozopittybopbopbop 500 British Blues Rock
27 belişşş 500 British Blues Rock
28 Beri Üfükıl 500 Folk Rock
29 bi dönüm bostan, yan gel yat osman... 500 Blues Rock
30 bi kere o eli indir 500 Guitar Rock
31 bi kola beş pipet 500 Guitar Rock
32 biliyodumm! 500 British Blues Rock
33 binbirgece mavalları 500 Hard Rock
34 biyrooon! 500 Guitar Rock
35 Black Jack 500 Blues Rock
36 bleep! 500 Guitar Rock
37 Brook Wickes 500 British Blues Rock
38 bu da mı hit değil? 500 British Blues Rock
39 bu hikayedeki mal biziz bacım (beliz remix) 500 Blues Rock
40 bütün hıkmıkların yalan 380 British Blues Rock
41 buzzzy bee 500 Guitar Rock
42 Bvöken Svövd 500 Blues Rock
43 çağoyar çoğtar goövey goövey 500 Blues Rock
44 candycornz 500 Rock & Roll
45 CAPZ CANDIR 500 Blues Rock
46 CAPZLARIN ŞEYHİ 500 Rock & Roll
47 Cat O'Nine Tails 500 Guitar Rock
48 Chrishmash ish fun!!!!! 500 Blues Rock
49 Close The Door 500 Blues Rock
50 çok iyi oldu çok da güzel iyi oldu tamam mı? 500 British Invasion
51 Çok süpersiniz! 500 Hard Rock
52 cotton candy 500 Blues Rock
53 crystal song 500 Guitar Rock
54 daéela 500 British Blues Rock
55 dağıt ve öde 500 Rock & Roll
56 dam üstünde saksağan 500 Blues Rock
57 Dark Shadows 500 Blues Rock
58 Dark Vane 500 Prog Rock
59 dencırıs 500 Folk Rock
60 der iz no spuun 500 British Blues Rock
61 deynanina :( 500 Blues Rock
62 Diamond Cats 500 Blues Rock
63 dont even think about it 500 Rock & Roll
64 dürülülülülülülülü 500 Blues Rock
65 ekto mu gözlük? 500 Guitar Rock
66 Ela... Ela... 500 Blues Rock
67 Elektra Elektra 500 Hard Rock
68 ewriwörüwayken 500 Blues Rock
69 Fesat Inside (Beliz Remix) 500 Rock & Roll
70 Fire on the Mountain 500 Guitar Rock
71 fırfırlı şarkı... 500 Rock & Roll
72 flavır pavır 500 Guitar Rock
73 fluffy fluffy bun bun 500 Hard Rock
74 Gandalfiye 500 Kraut Rock
75 Geldim Gördüm Yanıldım 500 Blues Rock
77 goodbye franchezka 500 British Blues Rock
78 Goodbye Zoe 500 Blues Rock
79 Granny Will Your Dog Bite? 500 Guitar Rock
80 hadi bağalım... 500 Folk Rock
81 Hani İzmirden Boyoz Getireceğdin? 500 Hard Rock
82 haydee! 500 Rock & Roll
83 helengilin kulesinden atlayamadım 500 Rock & Roll
84 her davulun önünde oynanmazz 500 British Blues Rock
85 herkesin bir popisi var 500 Blues Rock
86 hit plz... 500 British Blues Rock
87 hit the road! 500 British Blues Rock
88 hmmm 500 Kraut Rock
89 hot! hot! hot! 500 Guitar Rock
90 House of the Rising Sun 500 Guitar Rock
91 how the grinch stole my exp. points 500 Blues Rock
92 Howling Rooster 500 Blues Rock
93 Hyakki Gosai 500 Hard Rock
94 Hyde Park 500 British Blues Rock
95 I ♥ Emma 500 British Blues Rock
96 iktişamlııı 500 Guitar Rock
97 I'm a lover 500 Kraut Rock
98 Işınla Beni Skati 500 Classic Rock
99 işsazı işsinin işsazsız 500 Blues Rock
100 Jacob's Ladder 500 Blues Rock
101 kel başa şimşir tarak 500 British Blues Rock
102 kestane gürgen palamut 500 British Invasion
103 Kiss Me Semen 500 Rockabilly
104 kökünden accık 500 British Blues Rock
105 kumandamın kulpu yok 500 British Blues Rock
106 Kuzen Luvs Sezen 500 British Blues Rock
107 Lambur Lumbur 500 Blues Rock
108 Last Dread Dust 500 Blues Rock
109 lemonlemon 500 Hard Rock
110 lezzetsiz çipetpet 500 Folk Rock
111 lidıl big edvençır 500 Blues Rock
112 lilbitz... 500 Guitar Rock
113 Lillime's enticement 500 British Blues Rock
114 lipton Örl Grey... 500 Prog Rock
115 malkız (hayal speşıl) 500 Blues Rock
116 maloğlan (yankı sipeşıl) 500 Blues Rock
117 malsın rüya 500 Guitar Rock
118 marchmarchmarch 500 Guitar Rock
119 maXimus 500 Rock & Roll
120 mendakkadukka 500 Hard Rock
121 merin mi? 500 Blues Rock
122 merin... 500 Kraut Rock
123 mesela brokoli... 500 Guitar Rock
124 Mey Dı Fors Bi Vit Yu 500 Rock & Roll
125 molada mıyız sanki? gibi geldi bana... 500 Blues Rock
126 Muvaffakiyetsizleştiricileştiriveremeyebilecek 500 Blues Rock
127 naapsas ki? 500 Blues Rock
128 Nehir 500 Rock & Roll
129 neöre goru avan avey 500 Blues Rock
130 ode to the air conditioner 500 Rock & Roll
131 O'lala 500 Blues Rock
132 olly olly oxen free 500 Garage Rock
133 oo beybi 500 British Blues Rock
134 ooğ yee! 500 Blues Rock
135 Ooo Pasparlak 500 Blues Rock
136 ouch pouch ne ki? 500 Rock & Roll
137 Out of control 500 Rock & Roll
138 Pages Of the Past 500 Blues Rock
139 pencereden kar geliyor şarkı yapmak zor geliyor 500 British Blues Rock
140 prresstoo! 500 British Blues Rock
141 püü! 500 Guitar Rock
142 püüü!!! 500 Guitar Rock
143 Reborn Through Love 500 Blues Rock
144 Retro Candır 500 Blues Rock
145 Rock'n'Roll Doctor 500 Blues Rock
146 Sabah 6'da Yatanlar 500 Garage Rock
147 Saçımdan bit çıktı şarkı yazdım hit çıktı 500 Kraut Rock
148 samır taym 500 British Blues Rock
149 şaşı kedi sokağı 500 Guitar Rock
150 Say Cheese! 500 Blues Rock
151 Schattenjäger 500 Blues Rock
152 Scratch Post Blues 500 British Blues Rock
153 Semen 500 British Blues Rock
154 semen... sen var ya sen... 500 Blues Rock
155 Semengilin Damından Atlayamadım 500 Guitar Rock
156 send mi en eyncıl 500 Guitar Rock
157 Shalala 500 Hard Rock
158 sitar vorz kaç bölüm? 500 Guitar Rock
159 snowy song 500 British Blues Rock
160 So Many Truth 500 Blues Rock
161 Solar Energy 500 Blues Rock
162 Solar Power 500 British Blues Rock
163 Solar Storm 500 Blues Rock
164 spring cleaner 500 Hard Rock
165 su gelir yaldır yaldır, nişanlım bildiğin maldır 500 British Blues Rock
166 Şuhle Alaverado Dalaverado 500 Rock & Roll
167 summer stories 500 Guitar Rock
168 Sweet Kiss Baal 500 British Blues Rock
169 Sღlar Strike 500 Rock & Roll
170 tatsumaki zankukyaku 500 Blues Rock
171 the 8th deadly sin 500 Hard Rock
172 The Butler Did It 500 Blues Rock
173 the good the bad and the funny 500 British Blues Rock
174 the iman power 500 Guitar Rock
175 the red song 500 British Blues Rock
176 The Very Magical Hot Pants of Twerking 500 Rock & Roll
177 Three sheets to the wind 500 Blues Rock
178 Tifitik 500 Blues Rock
179 Totentanz 500 Hard Rock
180 triloci nekine? 500 Rock & Roll
181 Tursu Şuyu 500 Blues Rock
182 Tut ki Karnım Acıktı, Yawru'mu Yidim... 500 Hard Rock
183 two parts vodka, one part lime 500 Blues Rock
184 üçüççüzz 500 British Blues Rock
185 ufolar geçiyor allı yeşilli 500 British Blues Rock
186 Ugly kid Semen 500 Blues Rock
187 uydurellezinevebecerihu 500 Guitar Rock
188 vallaha mı? 500 Blues Rock
189 Városliget 500 Rock & Roll
190 VocAAAAAAAt 500 Folk Rock
191 way cool... 500 Guitar Rock
192 way too easy 400 British Blues Rock
193 While My Vuvuzela Gently Weeps 500 Blues Rock
194 Whoosh! 500 Blues Rock
195 wild wild butterflies 500 Rock & Roll
196 winter stories 500 Rock & Roll
197 Wrath of Raging Demon 500 Hard Rock
198 yaaani! 500 Guitar Rock
199 yağızı doğuran ana, olsun bana kaynana 500 British Blues Rock
200 Yallah Diyen İbretlik Karga 500 Blues Rock
201 yaz gelsin... 500 Guitar Rock
202 yaza yaza yaz geldi, 40 şarkı yazdım az geldi 500 Blues Rock
203 yeri göğü inletmezsen ayıp edersin 500 Blues Rock
204 yes orrayt 500 Blues Rock
205 yiitçim efecim, beşik kertmeciim :* 500 Blues Rock
206 yine yakmış yar yemeğin ucunu... 500 Guitar Rock
207 Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Rum 500 Blues Rock
208 Yoga Catastrophe 500 British Blues Rock
209 Yoga Inferno 500 Blues Rock
210 Yok! Nerede? Yok, gitmiş. 500 British Blues Rock
211 Yoncenin Açıleybıl Şemsiyesi 500 Blues Rock
212 yoncenin kızından gelin olmaazz 500 Blues Rock
213 zimzalabim 500 Blues Rock
214 ڸ٥ﻻ ﻉ√٥ﺎ ٱ 500 Rock & Roll

New Songs in Repertoire

This artist has 120 new songs not yet revealed to the public in its repertoire.