♥Rüyalar Sokağı♥

Artist Repertoire

Songs played on stage by an artist have to be in their artist repertoire. You can add your own songs, or other people's songs, into your repertoire at any time. Playing songs written by people who aren't with the band are considered covers and won't score as high as your own material of similar quality. Songs which haven't been revealed to the public yet are listed on this page as New Songs.

You can select what information to display about your repertoire by changing the drop down lists in the repertoire view. For VIP members, your selection remains throughout the current session.

# Song Popularity Genre
1 ¿Te quieres casar conmigo? 500 Acid Rock
2 1908-2008 500 Disco
3 After 11 comes 12 500
4 Aimo Kinnunen Knows Good Soul 500
5 All Is Full Of Lov3 500
6 An Andante Singalong 500
7 And then and then and then 500
8 anlayamadım 500
9 Anyone Anywhere on You 500 Euro Pop
10 Aspetta un attimo dai valà 500
11 Balım 500
12 Battle cry 500
13 BC Stands For Masses 500
14 Because of me 500
15 Best ofum olsun 500
16 Betty Blue 500
18 Beyond the puck 500
19 Bikem gruba gel :) 500
20 Blue room 500
21 Breaking the glass of innocence 500
22 Bring Me a Shrubbery 500
23 Buenos Noches 500
24 Bunny In My Pocket 500
25 Cakkıdı 500
26 Canın Sağolsun 500
27 Careful Whisper 500
29 Cause your Mind's all Mine 500
30 Charismatic Llamas 500
31 ÇıLgIn DeRsHaNe 500
32 Ciudad Acuña 500
33 Colour me 500
34 Crazy Monkeys 500
35 Cuarenta y Tres 500
36 Curtin Drunkards 500
37 Dear Jane 500
38 Desperado 500
39 DoN't CrY FoR Paİn 500
40 Don't Marry Him (Snuggle Me!) 500
42 Eartshim 500
43 El Cubano 500
44 El Mariachi 500
45 Eloy永 500
46 Emily & Benjamin 500
47 emotion in motion 500
48 Encierro 500
49 Estoy loco por ti 500
50 EsTreLlas De CuLeBróN 500
51 Falling Down 500
52 Fear of the Soul Planet 500
53 February 500
54 Festa a noite inteira 500
56 Flush Royale 500
57 flying 500
58 For The Men 500
59 Forever 500
60 Free mind 500
61 From the roots 500
62 FÜRÜT 500
63 GALATASARAY 1905 500
64 Gänseblümchen 500
65 Gaybana 500
66 Gifted by chaos 500
67 Grave of Fireflies 500
68 GSG in Rio 500
69 Güneşim 500
70 günler geçti 500
71 Günlüğümde Son Sayfa 500
72 hayat 500
73 Heart of Darkness 500
74 Heavenly bites 500
75 Helsinki city 500
76 Helsinki nights 500
77 Hermetic Brotherhood of Soul 500
78 Hold on 500
79 HOLOCOUST 500 Euro Pop
80 Hullabaloo in my mothers saloon 500
81 I am a sinner 500
82 I Play The Street Life 500
83 I saw Monkey kissing Santa Claus 500
84 I was kissed 500
85 I`m Judging Amy 500
86 If you r second,then you r the first of the losers 500
87 I'm Yours 500
88 In Case You Didn’t Know...You Are On My Mind 500
89 Independce 500
90 invisible 500
91 Is and Is Not 500
92 It has come again 500
93 I've heard of Asia, but don't know where it is! 500
94 Jack The Ripper 500
95 Jalo's Got an Itch 500
96 JoJo 500
97 Juicebox Pt 1 500
98 Julio Cruz 500
99 Just married! 500
100 kalpsizsin 500 Acid Rock
101 Keep Your Hands Off My Soul 500
102 Kill Azul 500
103 Kiss Of The Claw 500
104 komencero 500
105 Komle Kople 500
106 Lack of inspiration 500
107 Laser Mouse 500
108 L'avanzata dell'inferno 500
109 Lesbian power on the road 500
110 Like A Rat Up A Drainpipe 500
111 L'inevitabile fine 500
112 Lipstick on the Noose 500
113 Little pockets of sunshine 500
114 Living next door to Aimo 500
115 Lluvia loves Hartmut! 500
116 Lost Souls 500
117 Love Attack 500
118 Luigi's Humungos Schlong (a tribute) 500
119 Lullaby 500
120 MA / TP 500
121 -Made- 500
122 Mama Rock 500
123 manga 500
124 MaNgA(58) 500
125 Manifestation On Verrucose Urethra blues 500
126 Marlies est snob, promiscueux et magnifique 500
127 Maths Made Me Crazy 500
128 Me & Popomiyagi? 500
129 Melvin Is dead!!! 500
130 Memorias de un KillerApusito (parte 2) 500
131 merhum 500
132 Metrik Girenler 500
133 Metropol 500
134 Mi - Ma - Maxi 500
135 Mi Rayito de Sol 500
136 Micir Micir 500
137 Middle of Nowhere 500
138 Mitaku Oyasin! (We are all related!) 500
139 Monkey´s from Hell 500
140 Monochrome 500
141 Moscow love blues 500
142 Mother Natures Royalty 500
143 Mrs. Reddering (Here's to You) 500
144 My ears are floppy and furry (says Nate) 500
145 my horoscope told me... 500
146 my life 500
147 my little princess 500
148 My Mother Is Benson(remix) 500
149 Neither Heaven nor Hell 500
150 Never Say Never 500
151 New Day 500
152 No Doubt 500
153 Not As Cute As Knut [polar bear remix] 500
154 November Clouds 500
155 Objetos volando por el balcón 500
156 Oblivion 500
157 Ode to a Special Lady 500
158 On the way to the top 500
159 Once Upon a Time in Mexico 500
160 Only Lonely 500
161 Önüm arkam sağım solum söbe saklanmayan gebe 500
162 öp o zaman elimi mahirim 500 Prog Rock
163 Ordinary love song 500
164 Orgasmic Death 500
165 Out Of Nowhere 500
166 Oye Nene 500
167 Party in Paris 500
168 Passionné 500
169 Perdono 500
170 Play Rew FFwd 500
171 Playboy No Rock 500
172 PMS   500
173 Popocatépetl - Gimme Eruption Baby! 500
174 popomundo 500
176 Porn For The People (the basic remix 2007) 500
177 Pretty Fly (For a Soul Guy) 500
178 Prince of Jazz 500
179 Prognosis Negative 500
180 Quiero Más 500
181 R U > WAR ? 500
182 Replicant Song 500
183 ReservoirCats 500
184 Rex's Challenge (Drink The Weak) 500
185 Rise and Death of a Dragon - Part I 500
186 Rise Up!!! 500
187 ROCK 500 Acid Rock
188 roCk cUlAr 500
190 rock nefesi 500
191 Rock your socks off 500
192 RoCkRoL bYbY 500
193 romeo 500
194 roses are red 500
195 Royale with Soul 500
196 Runaway from The Joy 500
197 Sad but true 500
198 Saddle Sores 500
199 Sake Sorrows 500
200 San Lorenzo Campeon! 500
201 San Miguel 500
202 Sangre Caliente 500
203 Sankirtana ૐ (jingle) 500
204 Santa Baby 500
205 Say It Ain't Soul 500
206 sensiz asla 500
207 SERVER 230 (oh I hate you so) 500
208 Sex, Cloggs 'n Rock 'n Roll (Tribute to the Dutch) 500 Acid Rock
209 Silencio 500
210 Silk and leather 500
211 Silly Cape Town Dub 500
212 Slightly Less Inspired ? 500
213 Soğuk 500
214 Son Kez 500
215 Soul Is Dead 500
216 Souldigger 500
217 Soulgeddon 500
218 Soulmaneater 500
219 Soul-shark 500
220 Sound 500
221 Spider fights with Spiderman 500
222 Stormy Sunday 500
223 Sugar Daddy 500
224 Sugar in the morning! 500
225 Sultans of Soul 500
226 Sun & Moon 500
227 Süper Star 500 Disco
228 Sweet dreams 500
229 Swords crossed 500
230 Sympathy for the Monkey 500
231 Take My Breath Away 500
232 Take out the garbage! 500
233 Take your mama and go 500
234 Tampa 500
235 Tangles & Boony 500
236 Te Amo 500
237 The Adventures of Armas Tikkanen 500
238 The Ballad Of Afanasy Volkov 500
239 The Battle In Dynekilen 500
240 The Day The Teaching Died 500
241 The Ghost of Liisa Peltola 500
242 The Horney Beast From The Minor East 500
243 The Intelligent Beaver from Brussels 500
244 The Missing End 500
245 The Moment of Truth 500
246 The Mysterious Murder Of Jarmo Åkerman’s Lover 500
247 The pink dog 500
248 The Queen of Jacks 500
249 The Reincarnation of Iiro Beaver 500
250 The Siren 500
251 The Soul Remains the Same 500
252 The Star Of Babylon 500
253 There is no spoon 500
254 This is unfair 500
257 Try 500
258 Twenty Four Hours 500
259 Vamos a la Playa 500
260 Vino Tinto 500
261 Viva la Mexiko! 500
262 Vodka Vices 500
263 We Will We Will Snug You !! 500
264 Weaving with Ileana 500
265 Welcome 500
266 What Can't Die, Can't Live 500
267 Where The Souls Have No Name 500
268 Whiskey Whispers 500
269 Whoopy Woo What? 500
270 Without You My Life Is Worthless 500
271 Would You Love a Soulman? 500
272 yağmur 500
273 Yeehaa 500
274 Yepyeni 500
275 yerli pilaka 500
276 yıldızların altında 500
277 You Don't Know What Soul Is 500
278 your song 500
279 You're my sunshine 500
280 You're The One 500
281 Zephyros 500
282 Zinger 500
283 zor hayat 500
284 ZuLus Warriors 500
285 Меня зовут Робин Гуд 500

New Songs in Repertoire

This artist has 21 new songs not yet revealed to the public in its repertoire.