Chanson & The Troubadours

You Loved To Dance

This is a Indie Garage track recorded by the artist Chanson & The Troubadours. The song You Loved To Dance was originally composed by A. Morris.

Production: incredible
Performance: revolutionary
Studio: Undiscovered Desires POR
Date Recorded: 7/24/2020
Track Rating: 50
Record Releases: Hold On
Rose Tattoo

What the fans think of this song right now

Stage Impression: 30

Track Credits

Featuring H. Callan 50
Featuring G. Green 50
Featuring E. Kinsella 50
Featuring B. Nilsson 50
Featuring V. Von Cookie Monster 50
Featuring A. Winterbourn 50
Featuring R. Winterbourn 50
Artist Member A. Morris 50
Producer A. Morris 50