Gatas Callejeras


If you need to bring along special equipment for important events you need some kind of vehicle to transport it in. Transports can also bring along passengers who don't wish to travel on their own.

The band leader is in charge of buying a transport and maintaining it properly. Vehicles should be in good condition and working order at all times to prevent unforeseen mishaps on the road.

Optimus Prima Big Rig

Speed: 150 km/h
License Plate: 972-179
State: On the move
Destination: Arrives at La TAPO in Mexico City in approximately 3 hours, 35 minutes.
Condition: 40
Location: Avenida Brasil
City: Rio de Janeiro
Arrival: Arrived in Rio de Janeiro 3/26/2025, 5:00 PM local time.
Last Used: 2/8/2025
Cargo Capacity: 10000 Melvin Units.
Current Load: 52
Please note that both personal items and stage equipment impact current cargo load.