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Nothing Special, Just Another Day (Part 1)
It was that time of year when anything goes, and Sid was expecting nothing less than mayhem and chaos at home. He pulled into the driveway and looked around. No catering, zoo, or circus trucks in sight. This was troubling.
The house was eerily silent, aside from the distant, muffled sound of someone listening to something through their earbuds. He peeked into the living room to find Gia becoming one with the couch, watching something on her laptop. He cleared his throat and waited for his daughter to notice him.
"What's going on?"
"What do you mean?" Gia replied before loudly slurping on her juice box straw.
"I mean, you know what today is, right?" Surely his daughter hadn’t forgotten.
"The date, Gia! The date!"
"Oh, right. It's New Year's Eve."
Now Sid was starting to worry. "It's Dolly's birthday. Why are you not frantically planning some elaborate scheme? Did you girls have a falling out?"
Gia snorted and laughed. She was used to her father being silly, but that was just a crazy notion. "Of course not. It's just that now that we're older, we don’t need such extravagant celebrations. I guess it's part of growing up, that’s all." She explained matter-of-factly before burping and punching a straw into a new juice box.
That was a hard pill for Sid to swallow. Despite all the times he had cursed and groaned at the chaos in past years, he now felt nostalgic—and a little sad—that things had changed. That his girls were
too old to have fun the way they used to.
"Oh. Okay. I guess I'm happy about this sudden burst of maturity. I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything."
He was halfway there when a sudden thought struck him like a ton of bricks—his daughter had never done mature things.
Nothing Special, Just Another Day (Part 2)🧃
Posted 3/24/2025, 8:00 PM