Artists on Stage in Barcelona

Here are some of the artists performing live in the city right now. If you have a chance, please head down to the venue they're playing at and honor them by throwing your underwear on stage. They might say otherwise, but we suspect they will like it anyway.

Artist Attendance Impression
Black Hoт Cнill Pandas 10000 50
Mad World 10000 50
Tнe Sмasнing Pandas 10000 50
The Mothers of Inquisition 10000 50
Grotesque 10000 50
God, Bless The Fish 10000 50
Chaos in Control 10000 50
String Cafuné 10000 50
Random 10000 40
Evil Dildo 10000 50
Nefertiti's Dream 9002 50
TRUVA 8940 50
(something) 5637 30
nefelibâta. 5587 40
Hate Speech 3418 20