Most Popular Artists from Singapore

Here are the top artists from this city right now. Try catching them live the next time they return to their hometown. Chances are they enjoy the company of groupies, so who knows, in addition to catching a good show, you might just get lucky.

# Artist Genre Ranking
1 Black Cat's #26 Hip Hop
2 风の九月天 #35 Modern Rock
3 Nightshift #80 Rock
4 Jelly Black & The Red Berries #48 Electronica
5 404! Grup İsmi Bulunamadı #24 African Music
6 Wolf #89 Heavy Metal
7 Lord of the Flamenko #74 Flamenco
8 Um lugar para todos #70 Reggae
9 The Huan Experience #253 Electronica
10 Nix Nova #578 Pop
11 Sophia & Syyntakeettomat #649 Pop
12 __Sun Shine__ #766 Pop
13 SATILIK #245 Jazz
14 Jazz Expectations #276 Jazz
15 兔子小姐和喵喵先生的奇妙之旅 #296 Blues
16 Back from the dead #537 Electronica
17 яєвєĿ αηgєĿs #354 Punk Rock
18 Kahrolsun Bağzı Şeyler #400 Punk Rock
19 Amoral Arkhe #350 Modern Rock
20 7Fold #153 Country & Western
21 Agatean Soundscape #620 Electronica
22 Taraxacum Officinale #1033 Rock
23 E! Presidente #431 Blues
24 Intense #586 Blues
25 Creeping Paranoia #455 Classical