Most Popular Artists from New York

Here are the top artists from this city right now. Try catching them live the next time they return to their hometown. Chances are they enjoy the company of groupies, so who knows, in addition to catching a good show, you might just get lucky.

# Artist Genre Ranking
1 Trial by Fire #3 Hip Hop
2 Tнe Sмasнing Pandas #7 Modern Rock
3 Senda de éxitos #4 Jazz
4 Tнe Dropouтs #14 Latin Music
5 X!S #4 Punk Rock
6 Omar Rivera #9 Pop
7 KimXed #18 Hip Hop
8 TRASH AMADEUS #17 Modern Rock
9 The Bragging Boys #16 Rock
10 Lolla #22 Hip Hop
11 Old Punks #20 Punk Rock
12 Turbojugend #16 Punk Rock
13 Chaos Ex Machina #16 R&B
14 Emme #27 Pop
15 EMINEM #25 Hip Hop
16 Lucy Landray #13 World Music
17 ¡Que Chingados! #38 Heavy Metal
18 Sway Like Skeletons #44 Rock
19 AYRA STARR #30 Hip Hop
20 Røøm69 #22 Electronica
21 Sumi-E #43 Heavy Metal
22 Sugared Rhythm #18 Country & Western
23 The Next Step #31 Jazz
24 Honey Bunny #28 Electronica
25 Uprising Mercury #21 Country & Western