
Company Locales

These are the locales owned and operated by this company. Please don't forget that when a locale runs out of money, the people employed there won't get their salary and they'll quit their jobs and perhaps even trash the locale. Also, if the condition falls to the bottom the locale can collapse at any given moment.

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Locales Cash Quality Condition
Infinity l Amsterdam 2439165 243,916.50 M$ 50 100
Infinity l Ankara 1522173 152,217.30 M$ 50 99
Infinity l Antalya 1570932 157,093.20 M$ 50 100
Infinity l Bakü 1460000 146,000.00 M$ 50 100
Infinity l Barcelona 1429198 142,919.80 M$ 50 100
Infinity l Belgrad 1474837 147,483.70 M$ 50 100
Infinity l Berlin 2419914 241,991.40 M$ 50 100
Infinity l Brüksel 1581391 158,139.10 M$ 50 100
Infinity l Budapeşte 1558775 155,877.50 M$ 50 99
Infinity l Buenos Aires 2019644 201,964.40 M$ 50 100
Infinity l Bükreş 1370403 137,040.30 M$ 50 100
Infinity l Cakarta 5904413 590,441.30 M$ 50 100
Infinity l Dubrovnik 1454286 145,428.60 M$ 50 99
Infinity l Glasgow 1527868 152,786.80 M$ 50 100
Infinity l Helsinki 1824773 182,477.30 M$ 50 98
Infinity l İstanbul 1444804 144,480.40 M$ 50 100
Infinity l İzmir 1588032 158,803.20 M$ 50 100
Infinity l Johannesburg 1519386 151,938.60 M$ 50 100
Infinity l Kiev 2260428 226,042.80 M$ 50 100
Infinity l Kopenhag 1587723 158,772.30 M$ 50 100
Infinity l Londra 1945649 194,564.90 M$ 50 100
Infinity l Los Angeles 2321986 232,198.60 M$ 50 99
Infinity l Madrid 1482497 148,249.70 M$ 50 100
Infinity l Manila 4201835 420,183.50 M$ 50 100
Infinity l Melbourne 6125543 612,554.30 M$ 50 100
Infinity l Mexico City 1644346 164,434.60 M$ 50 100
Infinity l Milano 1573443 157,344.30 M$ 50 100
Infinity l Montreal 1519337 151,933.70 M$ 50 100
Infinity l Moskova 1660796 166,079.60 M$ 50 99
Infinity l Nashville 2693491 269,349.10 M$ 50 100
Infinity l New York 7745353 774,535.30 M$ 50 100
Infinity l Paris 1647703 164,770.30 M$ 50 100
Infinity l Porto 1531309 153,130.90 M$ 50 100
Infinity l Rio de Janeiro 5114056 511,405.60 M$ 50 100
Infinity l Roma 1443287 144,328.70 M$ 50 99
Infinity l Şangay 2509363 250,936.30 M$ 50 99
Infinity l Sao Paulo 1634939 163,493.90 M$ 50 99
Infinity l Saraybosna 1402814 140,281.40 M$ 50 99
Infinity l Seattle 5199744 519,974.40 M$ 50 100
Infinity l Şikago 4518878 451,887.80 M$ 50 99
Infinity l Singapur 4991759 499,175.90 M$ 50 100
Infinity l Sofya 1616694 161,669.40 M$ 50 99
Infinity l Stokholm 1627491 162,749.10 M$ 50 100
Infinity l Tallinn 1623301 162,330.10 M$ 50 99
Infinity l Tokyo 1746214 174,621.40 M$ 50 100
Infinity l Toronto 3797615 379,761.50 M$ 50 100
Infinity l Tromsø 1424625 142,462.50 M$ 50 100
Infinity l Varşova 3342803 334,280.30 M$ 50 100
Infinity l Vilnius 2049731 204,973.10 M$ 50 99