* 14- Paranoid Music ROCK

Company Locales

These are the locales owned and operated by this company. Please don't forget that when a locale runs out of money, the people employed there won't get their salary and they'll quit their jobs and perhaps even trash the locale. Also, if the condition falls to the bottom the locale can collapse at any given moment.

Select View

Locales Cash Quality Condition
Coke Studio 3215836 321,583.60 M$ 10 98
Paranoid ROCK Ams 1152256 115,225.60 M$ 0 100
Paranoid ROCK Ankara 1047887 104,788.70 M$ 0 100
Paranoid ROCK Antalya 1175859 117,585.90 M$ 0 98
Paranoid ROCK BA 947659 94,765.90 M$ 0 100
Paranoid ROCK Baku 997827 99,782.70 M$ 0 100
Paranoid ROCK Barca 983676 98,367.60 M$ 0 99
Paranoid ROCK Belgrade 882570 88,257.00 M$ 0 100
Paranoid ROCK Berlin 1012080 101,208.00 M$ 0 100
Paranoid ROCK Brussels 945387 94,538.70 M$ 0 99
Paranoid ROCK Budapest 952581 95,258.10 M$ 0 98
Paranoid ROCK Bukarest 959726 95,972.60 M$ 0 99
Paranoid ROCK Chicago 1106825 110,682.50 M$ 0 99
Paranoid ROCK Cop 1060544 106,054.40 M$ 0 99
Paranoid ROCK Dub 947368 94,736.80 M$ 0 100
Paranoid ROCK Glasgow 1059999 105,999.90 M$ 0 99
Paranoid ROCK Helsinki 917008 91,700.80 M$ 0 99
Paranoid ROCK Istanbul 927187 92,718.70 M$ 0 100
Paranoid ROCK Izmir 1112717 111,271.70 M$ 0 98
Paranoid ROCK Jakarta 972448 97,244.80 M$ 0 100
Paranoid ROCK Joh'burg 1302776 130,277.60 M$ 0 99
Paranoid ROCK Kiev 823681 82,368.10 M$ 0 99
Paranoid ROCK LA 1115599 111,559.90 M$ 0 100
Paranoid ROCK London 1035938 103,593.80 M$ 0 100
Paranoid ROCK Madrid 1002506 100,250.60 M$ 0 99
Paranoid ROCK Manila 1269160 126,916.00 M$ 0 98
Paranoid ROCK Mel 927194 92,719.40 M$ 0 99
Paranoid ROCK Mexico 789945 78,994.50 M$ 0 99
Paranoid ROCK Milano 1132029 113,202.90 M$ 0 99
Paranoid ROCK Montreal 951994 95,199.40 M$ 0 99
Paranoid ROCK Moscow 708472 70,847.20 M$ 0 100
Paranoid ROCK Nash. 875741 87,574.10 M$ 0 100
Paranoid ROCK New York 828418 82,841.80 M$ 0 98
Paranoid ROCK Paris 1044420 104,442.00 M$ 0 99
Paranoid ROCK Porto 1039003 103,900.30 M$ 0 100
Paranoid ROCK Rio 958568 95,856.80 M$ 0 99
Paranoid ROCK Rome 928084 92,808.40 M$ 0 99
Paranoid ROCK Sarajevo 972772 97,277.20 M$ 0 99
Paranoid ROCK Seattle 920300 92,030.00 M$ 0 98
Paranoid ROCK Shanghai 684961 68,496.10 M$ 0 99
Paranoid ROCK S'holm 1025178 102,517.80 M$ 0 100
Paranoid ROCK Singapur 658710 65,871.00 M$ 0 99
Paranoid ROCK Sofia 1275346 127,534.60 M$ 0 100
Paranoid ROCK SP 773099 77,309.90 M$ 0 100
Paranoid ROCK Tallinn 994313 99,431.30 M$ 0 100
Paranoid ROCK Tokio 886515 88,651.50 M$ 0 100
Paranoid ROCK Toronto 839837 83,983.70 M$ 0 99
Paranoid ROCK Tromso 829716 82,971.60 M$ 0 99
Paranoid ROCK Vilnius 656754 65,675.40 M$ 0 100
Paranoid ROCK Warsaw 1199414 119,941.40 M$ 0 100
Paranoitd Music HQ 5022677 502,267.70 M$ 0 100